
Online Teaching Readiness

Start building your online course today.  Walk through the resources to get up and running quickly.

Online Teaching

In order to teach an online or fully online course, you must have a current online teaching certification. Learn more about online teaching certification.

Online courses (600-section level) are automatically created in Blackboard at least 6 weeks before the semester.  Registered students are automatically added to the course. Once you are assigned to your course in Banner, your course will be available up to 3 hours later and will be available to you on the Courses tab on the Blackboard menu.

Adding Templates to an Online Course

If you are building a Blackboard course from scratch, use the templates below to kick start your design. The templates can be used for in-person and blended modalities as well.

Available for 15, 11, 8, 7, 6, and 5-Week Semester

Online Teaching

Now that you are ready to start designing and adding content, use the Online Learning Readiness Checklist.  The checklist will help you prep the course for the first few weeks.


Students have a diverse set of needs in order to successfully access textbooks and ancillary materials.  All digital materials must be ADA compliant to meet our students needs. It is the faculty's responsibility to ensure that students can access the material in a reasonable amount of time.

For more information on digital accessibility, watch a recent webinar Accessibility @ CCRI

Find Your Technology Needs

Read more about about strategies when using Respondus LockDown Browse. Read more about strategies when using SafeAssign.