
Syllabus Statements

Common Syllabus Statements Policy

The new Common Syllabus Statements Policy, effective December 19, 2023, includes updated required and recommended statements for CCRI course syllabi.

The Syllabus Policy requires that:

Course syllabus be distributed to students at or before the end of the first day of class.

  • All faculty members – full-time and adjunct – are required to provide a copy of their syllabus (either electronically or in paper form) for each course they are assigned to teach to their department chair before the first day of class...

Common Syllabus

Required Statements

Instructors may arrange the syllabus into their prefered order.

Course and Instructor Information

Required Textbook and Materials 

General Education Skill Categories (if course is a gen ed)

Course Expectations

Grading Scale and Policies

Program Instructor Statement

Required Student Support Services

Disability Accessibility for Students



Benefits Hub

Veteran Services

Tutoring Center & Academic Coaching

Writing Center


Public Safety

Civil Rights (Know Your Rights)

Also available are additional enhanced syllabus statements, templates and syllabus design resources:

Enhanced Syllabus Statements, Syllabus Templates and Examples