Public Records Request
The Community College of Rhode Island has instituted the following guidelines to help you obtain public records regarding the Community College of Rhode Island.

Additional Information
If, after review of your request, the Community College of Rhode Island determines that the requested records are exempt from disclosure for a reason set forth in R.I. Gen Laws §38-2-2(4)(A) through (AA), the Community College of Rhode Island reserves its right to claim such exemption.
Note: If you choose to pick up the records, but did not include identifying information on this form (name, etc.), please inform the College of the date you made the request, records requested and request number (if applicable).
Please forward this document to the Community College of Rhode Island, Administration - Warwick/Knight Campus, Attn: Nicole Faria, Executive Assistant, 400 East Avenue, 3rd Floor, Warwick, RI 02886. Request forms received after 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday will be considered received as of the next business day.
Thank you.