CCRI professor of art history, Natalie Coletta, released her sabbatical project, in January of 2021 for the spring start of Art History: Modern through Contemporary. ArtxHistory is in its beta form as an emerging, publicly available “radical reader” structured to replace a textbook, engaging students with a dynamic non-linear learning environment while saving them the cost of a book. As stated on, “The core intent of ArtxHistory is to offer an art history that replaces the dominant white, male, heteronormative, advantaged, celebrity narratives for a more inclusive history balanced with the work of women, artists of color, LGBTQIA+ persons, intersectional makers, and the self-taught.” ArtxHistory is “an inclusive framework for an open, equitable art history.” Students find the framework to meet their needs. Erica writes,
"ArtxHistory has several links to sites with generally short, but meaty pieces of information. Interwoven are video clips, some with artist talks, about the work being presented. Each nugget of information does not need to be digested in order. You are free to jump around, and while information about one artist is paired with a few links, each link does not need the other to survive. Learning this information in this format has been the most successful way for me to learn."
Another student Chris writes,
"I like the variety of ways the information is presented. The biographies, articles, videos, photos, and museum listings give a more rounded look at each artist and their work, and keep information fatigue at bay."
Professor Coletta was invited to participate in a mini-conference on February 26th, “Three Views on Open Educational Resources”, hosted by Open Art Histories based in Vancouver, Canada. Historians Leah Clark from Open Arts Objects at The Open University in London and Lauren Kilroy-Ewbank from Smarthistory, the largest repository of art history learning content in the world were also presenters in the event which was recorded, available here:
- Visit:
- Contact: [email protected]
- Follow on Instagram: ArtxHistory.org_
Current Exhibitions
Mudslingers: Wood Fire Ceramics
- Exhibition Dates: February 10th to February 20th, Reception 4-6 pm, Wednesday, February 20th
- The Knight Campus Art Gallery is located at 400 East Ave. Warwick, RI 02886 Room 3500, on the third floor of the round building (Enter the library on the fourth floor and go down the stairs to right.)

- Exhibition Dates: February 19th to March 3rd, Reception 5-7pm, Wednesday, February 26th
- The Flanagan Campus Art Gallery is located at 1762 Louisquisset Pike Lincoln, RI 02865 Room 1527, on the first floor.