Color is visible energy. As such, its effective use is essential in practically all aspects of art and design.
Media may include acrylic or gouache paint, Cray-Pas, pastels, colored pencils, inks, or collage materials. This course is required for A.F.A. majors but is designed for students of all levels and experience, including non-art majors.
There is no pre-requisite for this course although students may find it helpful to take Drawing 1 or 2D Design before taking ARTS 1020 - Color.
Studio: 6 hours
Color ARTS 1020
This course presents an introduction to basic color theory and composition. Students
develop a keen understanding of color systems and harmonies and explore practical
applications of these theories through a variety of creative studio assignments.
- None
Current Exhibitions
Mudslingers: Wood Fire Ceramics
- Exhibition Dates: February 10th to February 20th, Reception 4-6 pm, Wednesday, February 20th
- The Knight Campus Art Gallery is located at 400 East Ave. Warwick, RI 02886 Room 3500, on the third floor of the round building (Enter the library on the fourth floor and go down the stairs to right.)

- Exhibition Dates: February 19th to March 3rd, Reception 5-7pm, Wednesday, February 26th
- The Flanagan Campus Art Gallery is located at 1762 Louisquisset Pike Lincoln, RI 02865 Room 1527, on the first floor.