
Gender Equity Initiative

Building community, fostering conversation, and providing resources. 


In order to provide an affirming experience, CCRI empowers students who wish to update their chosen name and pronouns throughout the College to freely do so in many places without the need for legal documentation. For example:

· Students are able to insert their chosen name into Banner, which will be reflected on class rosters and in Starfish.

· Students can obtain an ID from the bookstore with their chosen name and new photo, if needed.

· Students are welcome to indicate their chosen name on their diploma, as indicated on the graduation application.

If a student would like assistance in changing their chosen name and pronouns throughout the college, including obtaining a new email address, they are welcome to contact Kara DiPaola, Title IX Coordinator, who can facilitate the changes in a private manner. She can be reached via email at [email protected] or at 401-825-1126 (office) or 401-895-1095 (cell).

All persons within the CCRI community are free to use restrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity.

Intentional and continued mis-gendering or mis-naming of a student after being informed of the student’s wishes can amount to discrimination or harassment, and individuals are encouraged to report such behavior to the Title IX Coordinator listed above.

Gender Equity Initiative: 

The Gender Equity Initiative is a collaboration of CCRI staff, faculty and students concerned about issues of equity affecting our college community.

These issues include LGBTQ identity, intimate partner violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and gender-based discrimination.

Our volunteers specialize in campus awareness, student advocacy, programming and education, and training for campus leaders.

We celebrate Women's History Month, Gay Pride, recognize World AIDS Day, coordinate HIV testing and information tabling during Domestic Violence Awareness Week and Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

You can request a training session for yourself or for your department or group

  • Safe Zone (become an ally to the LGBTQ community)
  • Trans* 101 (develop a better understanding of Transgender issues)
  • Bystander Intervention (learn how to safely reduce instances of sexual violence)

We are committed to offering a safe, unbiased and inclusive college environment

Have a question? Want to help? Visit us or get in touch.
Email us at [email protected]