
Trans* 101

Many people want to be allies for the transgender members of our community, but are unsure about how they can make a positive impact.

The Trans* 101 workshop gives participants the information they need to recognize the challenges and discrimination trans* people face, and to learn how to help make trans* individuals feel fully welcomed and supported at CCRI.

As is the case with many marginalized populations, the support we offer transgender students and staff is not special treatment. It merely ensures that all members of our community are equally safe.

Trans* 101 workshop can be scheduled for your class or department, and takes approximately 1.5 hours. (You could also combine Trans* 101 with SafeZone, for a comprehensive workshop on a wide range of LGB and T issues, in 3 hours.) After your class or department is trained, you will receive materials you can use to denote a trans-safe area, which helps transgender individuals know where they can go for support, and also helps raises awareness about an issue facing our campus.

To schedule a workshop, contact: [email protected] or fill out the workshop form.