
Self-Care for Online Students

It is not uncommon for college students, especially in online programs, to feel stress and anxiety, and experience a feeling of burnout. To be successful and stay on track for graduation, you need to make sure you take care of yourself. There are many ways of doing it - choose what works for you.

CCRI Student Services has many activities to help you combat fatigue and burnout.  Make an appointment in Starfish with your Advisor or try My Student Support Program (My SSP).

Physical Self-Care Activities

  • Go for a run
  • Hike or walk in a park. Just 20 minutes in a park several times a week, even if you don't exercise, is enough to improve well-being
  • Practice yoga
  • Maintain good sleep hygiene (like going to bed at set times, giving yourself time to rest, avoiding using digital devices in bed)

Spiritual/Mindfulness Self-Care Activities

  • Meditate
  • Explore mindfulness techniques
  • Write your feelings down
  • Keep a gratitude journal
  • Cry and laugh
  • Practice self-compassion

Social Self-Care Activities

  • Meet your family/friends for in-person (or virtual) coffee or lunch
  • Call or webcall your family/friends for a chat 
  • Join a club of your interest
  • Watch a movie or show with friends/family

Being in college is very exciting but even more demanding. Remember to have time for yourself! This will help you in the long term.