
Student Government

The Student Government is a representative of the student body as a whole. Positions on Student Government are as outlined in the Constitution. For more information contact Student Government.

All student groups are required to report any changes to Student Engagement.

If you are interested in partnering with Student Government to host an event, please contact them directly at [email protected]. All student groups are funded by agency money and therefore are considered tax exempt in addition to being considered having 501C3 status."

Student Government Leadership Team


President-Yoshiko Rivas Johnson

a. Shall oversee and insure the responsibilities of their respective campus executive officers are carried out.

b. Shall be the chief executive officer of their respective campus Student Government and will authenticate by signature, all acts, resolutions, and orders of their campus Student Government Senate after it’s approved, and has the power to delegate that authority.

c. Shall perform all duties necessary to ensure the functioning of Student Government.

d. Shall be responsible for the continual updating and revision of campus Student Government procedures and shall have the authority to delegate that responsibility.

e. Shall chair their campus senate meetings or shall notify the executive vice president prior to regularly scheduled meetings of the Senate if he/she shall not be in attendance.

f. Shall chair their campus executive committee.

g. Shall be an ex-officio member of all Student Government committees.

h. Shall be entitled to act on behalf of their campus Senate in consultation with the campus executive committee.

i. Shall establish and work on short and long-range goals for their campus Student Government in consultation with the Senate and other campus presidents.

j. Shall work with the director of finance to submit an annual budget for the Executive Committee.

k. Shall be knowledgeable of the Student Government Constitution, campus bylaws, college student handbook, and CCRI Policies and Procedures as they relate to their role in Student Government.

l. Shall be a member of the Student Life Panel.

m. Shall be a member or appoint his/her designee of the college Academic Advisory Council.

n. Shall be a member or appoint his/her designee of the college Student Advisory Council.

Vice President - Kieran Ward

a. Shall assume the duties of the president in the event of his/her absence. In the case of permanent absence of the president, the executive vice president shall become president.

b. Shall report to and be assigned various projects and tasks by the president.

c. Shall work with the president and the Senate in the establishment of their campus Student Government short-range and long-range goals.

d. Shall work with the president to prepare and establish an agenda to be published prior to each senate meeting.

e. Shall meet with senators on a regular basis to set, develop and evaluate their goals with their individual clubs and organizations.

f. Shall be knowledgeable of the Student Government Constitution, campus bylaws, college student handbook, and CCRI Policies and Procedures as they relate to their role in Student Government.

Director of Finance (Treasurer) - Ella Jennings 

a. Shall make a financial report to the campus president on a weekly basis and the campus Senate at least once a month.

b. Shall provide support for all Student Government members with their individual club and organization finances as it relates to policies and procedures with spending their budgets.

c. Shall work with the campus president to make formal recommendations to the associate vice president for student services regarding individual annual club and organization budget requests.

d. Shall authenticate, by signature, all financial acts, orders and procedures of their campus Executive Committee, Senate, and Finance Committee.

e. Shall ensure the review, approval, and implementation of all financial agreements by the Executive Committee and Finance Committee.

f. Shall work with the campus associate dean of student life to establish budget procedures for clubs/organizations recognized by Student Government.

g. Shall investigate opportunities for cost-effectiveness within Student Government.

h. Shall serve ex-officio as a member of the campus Finance Committee.

i. Shall be knowledgeable of the Student Government Constitution, campus bylaws, college student handbook, and CCRI Policies and Procedures as they relate to their role in Student Government.

Director of Administration (Secretary) - TBA

a. Shall make a report to the campus president on a weekly basis.

b. Shall be responsible for the distribution of the minutes of all senate and executive committee meetings within a timely manner.

c. Shall record all campus senate votes for insertion into the minutes.

d. Shall be responsible for the proper set-up of the campus senate meeting facility and coordinate technology support when necessary.

e. Shall maintain all campus Student Government official documents and policies.

f. Shall oversee all campus Student Government services, including but not limited to, the website, conference room and other technologies.

g. Shall be knowledgeable of the Student Government Constitution, campus bylaws, college student handbook, CCRI Policies and Procedures as they relate to their role in Student Government and “Robert’s Rules of Order: Newly Revised” and subsequent revisions.

h. Shall assist the campus president and campus director of finance in preparing a budget for the offices of their campus Student Government.

i. Shall work as a liaison on behalf of the campus president and clubs and organizations on its campus as it relates to team building, communication of events and issues.

j. Shall be available to meet with club/organization leaders to establish goals for their respective organizations.

k. Shall assist the director of activities in coordinating with clubs/organizations for major events to co-sponsor.

l. Shall serve on college academic grievance and discipline committees alongside the director of student relations.

m. Shall advocate for clubs/organizations by working closely with the Office of Student Life to make recommendation for change to improve club/organization satisfaction.

Director of Student Relations - Pasquale Camastro

a. Shall make a report to the president on a weekly basis.

b. Shall represent the student body as a whole by advocating for students and student groups inside and outside of the classroom.

c. Shall assist the campus president and campus executive vice president by attending any meeting that he/she cannot attend.

d. Shall propose changes to improve student rights and improve the quality of life within the CCRI student body.

e. Shall serve as the campus executive committee’s liaison between college departmental offices.

f. Shall be knowledgeable of the Student Government Constitution, campus bylaws, college student handbook, and CCRI Policies and Procedures as they relate to their role in Student Government.

g. Shall work with the director of activities to organize open forums for students to voice their concerns at least once an academic semester.

h. Shall be responsible for ensuring student representation is present at all CCRI committees that Student Government participates in.

i. Shall serve on college academic grievance and discipline committees alongside the director of administration.

j. Shall be a member of the college Academic Advisory Council.

k. Shall be a member of the college Student Advisory Council.

l. Shall be a member of the college Environmental Health and Safety Committee.

Director of Activities - Jeselin Chanel

a. Shall make a report to the campus president on a weekly basis.

b. Shall oversee coordination and planning of their campus Student Government events.

c. Shall communicate with the campus director of administration about co-sponsoring and collaborating on club/organization programs.

d. Shall chair a campus activities committee when necessary for collaboration.

e. Shall provide support for club/organization leaders for planning effective events.

f. Shall assist the campus president and campus director of finance in preparing a budget for activities on their campus.

g. Shall be knowledgeable of the Student Government Constitution, campus bylaws, college student handbook, and CCRI Policies and Procedures as they relate to their role in Student Government.

On-line Representative - Audrey Vicente

Knight Campus Representative - Carter Windle

Flanagan Campus Representative - Zavier Lopez

Liston Campus Representative - Aileth Castillo

Newport Campus Representative - Briana Laprade

Advisors - Emma Montague and Daniel Tovar


Contact Student Government