
About the Honors Forum

What It Is

The Honors Forum is an annual event near the end of the spring semester where Honors Projects are displayed to all attending. Honors Program Graduates are honored and given their medallions for graduation. In addition, students who presented their Honors Project at the Northeast Regional Honors Conference give a short presentation about their experience and their research. Following the short program, students present their projects while refreshments are served. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to showcase your honors project which you worked hard on during the semester (and it looks good on your resume as well!). Any project done during the academic year (summer, fall, and spring) is eligible for the Forum at the end of the spring semester.

Poster Guidelines

Projects will be displayed in a format that best suits them, such as a poster, a portfolio, displayed artwork, etc. Most projects, but not all, are best suited for posters. Posters will be displayed on freestanding cardboard folding sheets (typically 3’ x 4’) . Each project (including non-posters) must have a title banner and a short abstract (one or two paragraphs describing the project). All writing on posters should be large enough to read from a distance of 5 feet.

graphic showing poster layout guidlines
On a poster, a picture really is worth a thousand words!

Examples of Posters from Past Honors Forums

Below are some students displaying their posters during previous Honors Forums.

Honors 1 Honors 4 Honors 5 

Honors 8 Honors 11 Honors 12

Past Honors Forum Speakers

  • Dr. Lewis Lipsitt, professor emeritus of Brown University, "Lessons Learned from Babies" (2014)
  • Dr. Zoz Brooks, "Strange Attractors" (2011)
  • Roberta Mudge Humble, "Rhode Island's Firsts, Bests, and Uniques" (2010)
  • Dr. Stephen Sheinkopf, "Early Diagnosis of Autism: Recent Advances and Implications for Policy" (2009)
  • Kathryn Fishbaugh Russell, "Spying on Mars" (2008)
  • Paul Beaudette, "The Climate Project" based upon Al Gore's talk in An Inconvenient Truth (2007)