
Application Form

The application form process is now remote. Please follow the steps below. Additional information regarding filling out the online form is provided below. You must discuss the proposed project with the faculty member teaching the course. Once a student fills in the fields and sends it to the faculty member, neither you nor the faculty member may go back in and edit a field. Please confer with your professor as you create the application. If you want to make changes, the student must request a new application.

  1. Discuss proposed project with the faculty member teaching the course in which you are doing the project.
  2. In your request for an application, you will need to provide your name and email address, faculty advisor name and email address, and department chairperson name and email address. Please be sure there are no typos and you have looked up the correct department chairperson.
  3. Fill out the DocuSign Honors Application Request
  4. Receive Application Form via your email within three days.
  5. Fill out the form in its entirety. Every field must be filled in, see additional information below for guidance on application sections. Once completed, the form will progress to the faculty advisor and then department chair for signatures. After approval from the Honors Coordinators, you will receive a copy of the form via email.

Instructions for Filling-out the Form.

Get started Early! It takes several weeks to coordinate with your instructor to fill out the form. Click here to see the questions on the form.
  • Student Information: We need your full name, not any nicknames. Your student identification number is your 8-digit Banner ID assigned by the college (it starts with a 9). We will email all correspondence, so monitor your email accounts for important Honors information.
  • Faculty Advisor's Information: This is the professor of the class you are doing the Honors Project in.
  • All proposed Honors Projects are in an existing course section (a course you are currently taking). Include the 4-letter subject code, course #, section #, course title, and course reference number (CRN). All information can be found in MyCCRI. For example, Introduction to Geology is GEOL-1010-150, CRN 11260.
  • Tentative title for Project: This is whatever you and your professor want to (initially) name your project. The name may change as you complete the project, and that’s fine.
  • Meeting Schedule and Dates: This is up to you and your advisor. Example meeting schedules are: weekly, monthly with most correspondence through email, after class as needed, etc. Typically, the beginning date is when you turn in the application form, and the end date is the last day of classes. The Honors Project needs to be completed before grades are due at the end of semester.
  • Number of Honors Projects and Graduation Information: This helps us determine who is eligible to be an Honors Program Graduate.
  • Honors Forum: We recommend participating in the Honors Forum, and creating the poster may be included as part of the requirements for the final product. However, by checking this box, you are not committing yourself to participate.
  • Objectives and Activities: What will you do that will provide greater depth and breadth of the subject matter? What questions are you trying to answer, or what topics are you discussing? How will you go about doing this? Make sure your objectives are clear and you and your faculty advisor agree, since this is an agreement between you and your faculty advisor.
  • Final Product: What end product will show that students have greater depth and breadth of subject matter? What will you turn in (e.g. written paper, art portfolio, poster presentation, oral presentation...)? Make sure you clearly and fully describe what you will create at the end (e.g. length, important requirements, included sections, minimum number of references, etc.). Also, be sure the length is appropriate, since this is a significant academic undertaking and should take at least 20 hours of work.
  • Independent Thinking and Research Goal: Honors Projects must meet the goal of independent thinking and research, such as through critical thinking, information literacy, and/or inquiry and analysis. If you and your professor cannot explain what specifically you are doing in your project to meet this goal, then the project will need to be changed so it does meet this goal. Please see rubric below.
  • Interdisciplinary Goal: It is desirable for Honors Projects to provide students with an interdisciplinary academic experience, such as by integrating viewpoints from multiple disciplines. Please see rubric below.
  • Assessment: How will your professor grade the project? What criteria will be used? (e.g. quality of work, timeliness, attending meetings as scheduled, creativity, clear communication, independence, etc.)
  • Signatures: We are using DocuSign and will no longer accept paper, faxed or scanned copies. You, the faculty member, and the department chairperson will sign via DocuSign. It will automatically be forwarded to the Honors Coordinators for approval.

Honors Project Guidelines

The goals of Honors Projects done through the Honors Program at CCRI are to:

  • foster independent thinking and research
  • provide an interdisciplinary academic experience
  • improve communication skills
  • promote self reflection of learning

Each Honors project…

  • addresses at least three of the goals for Honors Projects
  • must be a significant academic undertaking (on the part of both the student and participating faculty member)
  • must comprise over 20 hours of work
  • is a supplementary project within a course that goes beyond the course requirements, relating the project to the curricula covered in the course
  • often requires creative thinking and hands-on activities with clear practical application
  • offers honors students an opportunity to interact more deeply and more personally with the subject matter of a given course
  • should be worked on throughout the semester
  • allows students to acquire new knowledge and skills
  • enables students and faculty to work together as "colleagues in learning" - a cooperative spirit that reawakens the fundamental purpose of the academy
  • assists students to become an integral part of a stimulating academic interchange

The specific requirements for each project are open so the projects can be creative displays of academic rigor. Examples of project formats include but are not restricted to research papers, PowerPoint presentations, poster presentations, displays of art or performance art, teaching lesson plans, computer programs, lab experiments and write-ups, evaluation of survey results, creative writing, teaching a week of class, etc.

Project Application Evaluation Rubric

The following rubric will be used to evaluate your application to do an Honors Project. The first three criteria must be met in order for the project to be approved.

Honors Project Criteria Meets Does Not Meet
Academic Rigor Project demonstrates that students will engage in activities that provide for greater depth of subject matter; project is a significant academic undertaking Activities described that project does not delve deeply enough into subject matter. No description of rigor or description not detailed enough to evaluate.
Independent Thinking and Research Project demonstrates critical thinking, information literacy, and/or inquiry and analysis. Project analyzes ideas in a thorough way, organizes materials and research data or creative techniques to produce detailed projects. Requires synthesis, creation, and analysis levels of thinking. Activities described identify information in a basic way without independent thinking. No description of synthesis, creation, and analysis.
Communication Project demonstrates the inclusion of clear and coherent claims with sufficient support including reasoning, evidence, and persuasive appeals, and proper attribution when necessary. Or project demonstrates clear indication that communication of ideas are delivered in the appropriate medium. Activities described do not portray how ideas will be clearly communicated. No full description of communication requirements.
Interdisciplinary (optional) Project integrates diverse knowledge, perspectives, and / or skills into arguments and / or strategies. Project draws conclusions from more than one field of study or disciplinary perspective. Activities described do not indicate the consideration of more than one field of study or disciplinary perspective.