Felisberto V. Fontes

- Adjunct Faculty
- : 575-0609
- : [email protected]
Office Hours
LAB HOURS: | ![]() |
Providence Campus: Room 1216 1 Hilton Street Providence, RI 02905 (401) 455-6057 |
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday |
7:30 AM -10 PM 7:30 AM -10 PM 7:30 AM -10 PM 7:30 AM -10 PM 7:30 AM - 08 PM 9:00 AM - 02 PM |
Warwick Campus: Room 2109, 2110, 2112 400 East Avenue Warwick, RI 02886 (401) 825-2334 May 26th - June 27th |
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday |
7:30 AM -10 PM 7:30 AM -10 PM 7:30 AM -10 PM 7:30 AM -10 PM 7:30 AM - 04 PM 9:00 AM - 02 PM Closed |
Lincoln Campus: Room 3632 1762 Louisquisset Pike Lincoln, RI 02865 (401) 333-7180 |
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday |
7:30 AM -10 PM 7:30 AM -10 PM 7:30 AM -10 PM 7:30 AM -10 PM 7:30 AM - 04 PM 9:00 AM - 02 PM Closed |
Newport Campus Room 253 Tel. 401-851-1703 Hours are subject to change!
The Students Summer 2000 Text/Materials: Go! Complete Technology in Action Sixth Edition Skills for Success with Microsoft Office 2007 Online Presentations Creating web pages Computers have changed our lives |
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Learning Resources
COMI-1100-XXX: Instructor: Felix Fontes
Go! Complete Technology in Action Sixth Edition by Evans, Martin, and Poatsy
Skills for Success with Microsoft Office 2007 by Kris Townsend
You will also need: USB Flash Drive 1GB or >
Exam Policy: If you miss an exam, it is your obligation to contact me within 24 hours. Makeup exams
can only be recognized in especial circumstances.
Grading: A: >= 93% | A-: >= 90% | B+: >= 87% | B: >= 83% | B-: >= 80% | C+: >= 77% | C: >=
70% | D+: >= 67% | D: >= 60% | F: < 60%
Exams (3) 50 %
Lab assignments (8) 30 %
Group Projects (1) 10 %
Attendance & MyItLab 10 %
Attendance: Excessive tardiness or skipping of classes will result in the lowering of a student's
Homework: Please turn in an assignment on the specified due date
When turning in a homework assignment, please staple it and write on the outside the
Student Name, Date, Course, Project Number.
Lab Assignments: Failure to submit the assignment when is due, will result in a 10-points reduction
for every late assignment.
Windows Vista Project 1 & 2:
MS-Word 2007 Project 1 & 2:
MS-Excel 2007 Project 1 & 2:
MS-Access 2007 Project 1 & 2:
Schedule of Exams
Exam #1 - Ch: 1, 2, 3
Exam #2 - Ch: 4, 5, 6
Exam #3 - Ch: 7& 8
Final - Presentation Using MS-Power Point 2007
Laboratory Assignments
All lab assignments must be stapled with your name, date & course number
Microsoft Windows Vista: Project 1 - Read Fundamentals of Using Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows Vista: Project 2 - Using Windows Vista
Microsoft Word 2007: Project 1 - Creating and Editing a Word Document
Microsoft Word 2007: Project 2 - Creating Research Paper
Microsoft Excel 2007: Project 1- Creating a Worksheet and Embedded Chart
Microsoft Excel 2007: Project 2- Formulas, Functions, Formatting, and Web Queries
Microsoft Access 2007: Project 1 - Creating and Using a Database
Microsoft Access: Project 2 - Querying a Database
Microsoft Power Point 2007: Project 1 & 2 - Creating and editing a Presentation
Additional Information (Links)
Work Phone: (401) 575-0609
Voice Mail: (401) 575-0609
Email: [email protected]Office Location: Providence Campus 1 Hilton Street Providence, RI 02905
Office Hours: Thrs 5pm-10pm, Fri 5pm-10pm
Class Hours: KN 12:00 - 12:50pm, KN Mon, Wed - Fri 12:00pm-12:50pm, Pv Thurs 6pm-10pm,
Fri 5:30pm- 9:30pm