
Promotion Process for Deans


Promotion decisions involve a thorough review of a Faculty member’s performance and contributions to the College.

Dean’s Role: The Academic Deans are responsible for evaluating a Faculty member’s teaching effectiveness as well as his/her contributions to the profession and to the College. The Dean will write a narrative statement supporting his or her decision for promotion based upon the packet of materials forwarded by the Chair with his or her own observations.

  • An incomplete review by the Dean may result in a Faculty member’s name being withdrawn for consideration in the current promotion cycle.

Reviewers at each level of the process may request additional information. If the requested materials are not submitted on or before the stated due date at each level of review, it may be necessary to withdraw the Faculty member’s name from the current round of review.

When the packet is complete, submit it to the Vice President for Academic Affairs on or before the deadline date. Please click this link Dean Recommendation Promotion form to download a copy of the form.

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