
Classroom Assignments

The Registrar's Office assigns courses/faculty to the classrooms in which they will teach.  Classrooms are assigned based upon information requested on the “Instructional Space Needs form” which is completed by the Department Chair for courses needing special attributes such as specific desk type, white board, computers and room lighting.  Room attributes can be requested at the course level only.  Classes are assigned based on maximum section enrollment.

To facilitate this task, the college, as part of its current Strategic Plan (2009-2012), is utilizing a software system designed to maximize the use of available instructional space.  This software, which was outlined by Vice Presidents Morgan and Shea at the October 20, 2009 department chairs’ council meeting is called Schedule 25.  The software assigns courses to appropriate classrooms utilizing additional criteria established in conjunction with, and set forth by, your department chairperson.  Requests by faculty teaching a specific section will be considered on a case to case basis and room changes as subject to approval by the academic dean responsible for the department in which the course is taught. The Office of Enrollment Services is unable to accept requests without appropriate approvals.

For obvious reasons, faculty are not permitted to take it upon themselves to relocate their class to another classroom, even when the new space appears to be available.  The college needs to be able to assign space in a systematic and predictable manner.  In addition, in case of an emergency, the college needs to be able to find individuals based on the college's record of room assignments.  Faculty are asked to be mindful of professional courtesy in ending their classes at the scheduled time in order to allow for a smooth transition for the class that will follow theirs in the same classroom.  Along the same lines, faculty are asked to leave their classrooms in good order for those that will follow them.