Elementary II
Using the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, a successful student, upon completing an Elementary 1020 or *1040 course, will demonstrate emergent cultural awareness and sensitivity and will demonstrate the ability to take part in more complex conversations and to participate in exchanges such as:
(*NB Elementary 1040 is designed for students with previous experience in the language and/or placement testing.)
- Relating past events
- *Talking about one's daily experiences including topics such as: careers, family/friends, food/restaurant, geography, health/illness, housing, holidays, leisure activities, student life/educational system, and travel
- Formal/Informal Commands
- Numbers 1000 – million
*NB. The order of starred topics may vary according to course or language.
Measures of Learning
- Oral and Written Exams
Please note: Use of the following measures of learning may vary in degree depending on topic, faculty preference, as well as student needs
- In-class activities
- Presentations
- Portfolio Assessment
- Web Research Projects
- Written Compositions
- Oral Presentations
- Group Activities
- End-of-Semester Culture Presentation
Methods of Teaching
- Lecture
- Total Physical Response
- Group Work
- Paired Work
- Student Reports
- Whole-class discussion
- Role-Plays
- Field Trips
- Information-exchange Activities
- Dictation
- Readings
- On-line Activities
- Songs
- Games
- Reading aloud of the text for pronunciation, intonation, oral practice, and comprehension
- Dictation, translation, and listening activities for comprehension, grammar, and accurate use of idiomatic expressions
- Cooperative learning
- Audio visual materials/cultural videos/ instructors' web pages
- Cultural activities/excursions
5 Cs - World Language Standards
- Communication
- Cultures
- Connections
- Comparisons
- Communities
Core Competencies Outcome Alignment
- Communication
- Critical Thinking
- Global Perspectives
Related Links
The Global Edge: LIBA 1500 (Online)- Exciting Summer Immersion Program in Italy - Explore the unique, personalized and memorable Program directed by Professor Maria C. Mansella (Future opportunities to explore - coming soon.)
- The Learner's Journey: LIBA 1000 (Online) - Fall 2025 Harness your limitless talents! To read more from students who have completed this course, please click here: Students' words - The Learner's Journey