Elementary I
Using the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, a successful student, upon completing an Elementary 1010 or *1030 course, will demonstrate emergent cultural awareness and sensitivity in the following topic areas and will also be able to take part in basic conversations and participate in simple exchanges, such as:
* NB - Elementary 1030 – For students with previous experience in the language and/or placement testing.)
- *Making introductions/Basic courtesy/Exchanging personal information
- *Talking about oneself, including information such as physical appearance, personality, clothing
- *Talking about one's daily experiences including topics such as: careers, family/friends, food/restaurant, geography, health/illness, housing, holidays, leisure activities, student life/educational system, and travel
- Expressing likes/dislikes
- Expressing present/near future events
- Asking questions
- Numbers 0-1,000 and beyond
- Time/days of the week
- Weather expressions
- Classroom commands
- Develop cultural awareness and sensitivity
* NB. The order of starred topics may vary according to course or language.
Measures of Learning
- Oral and Written Exams
Please note: Use of the following measures of learning may vary in degree depending on topic, faculty preference, as well as student needs
- In-class activities
- Presentations
- Portfolio Assessment
- Web Research Projects
- Written Compositions
- Oral Presentations
- Group Activities
- End-of-Semester Culture Presentation
- Role-Plays
- Class Participation
- Written Assignments (emails, postcards, letters, short compositions)
Methods of Teaching
- Lecture
- Total Physical Response
- Small Group Work
- Paired Work
- Student Reports
- Whole-class discussion
- Role-Plays
- Information-exchange Activities
- Dictation
- Readings
- On-line Activities
- Songs
- Games
- Field Trips
- Reading aloud of the text for pronunciation, intonation, oral practice, and comprehension
- Dictation, translation, and listening activities for comprehension, grammar, and accurate use of idiomatic expressions
- Cooperative learning
- Audio visual materials/cultural videos/ instructors' web pages
- Cultural activities/excursions
- Online WebCT activities
- Experiential Learning
5 Cs - World Language Standards
- Communication
- Cultures
- Connections
- Comparisons
- Communities
Core Competencies Outcome Alignment
- Communication
- Critical Thinking
- Global Perspectives
Related Links
The Global Edge: LIBA 1500 (Online)- Exciting Summer Immersion Program in Italy - Explore the unique, personalized and memorable Program directed by Professor Maria C. Mansella (Future opportunities to explore - coming soon.)
- The Learner's Journey: LIBA 1000 (Online) - Fall 2025 Harness your limitless talents! To read more from students who have completed this course, please click here: Students' words - The Learner's Journey