
Constitution, Bylaws, and Elections


This committee reviews the operation of College governance and propose changes in the Constitution and By-Laws of the Faculty Senate and in the College Governance Manual; review proposals for changes in College governance from whatever source and make recommendations concerning them to the Faculty Senate and to the other appropriate bodies and individuals; construe the meaning of the Constitution, the By-Laws and the College Governance Manual upon the request of the Senate Chair or Leadership Committee, any senator or member of the College faculty, or the President; assure that all duly approved changes are incorporated into the Constitution and By-Laws and into the College Governance Manual, and that no unauthorized changes are made in these instruments; and assure that the language of all duly approved changes is consistent with the style, format and arrangement of the Constitution and By-Laws and of the College Governance Manual. The committee is also be responsible for planning and conducting Senate elections.


Name Title Department Roll
Kristen Swithers Associate Professor Biology  
Christine Lynch Assistant Professor Allied & Rehabilitative Health  
Jessica Araujo Assistant Professor English  
Jillian Lang Associate Professor Library  



Name Division
John Mowry BSTM
Mark LeVasseur AHSS
Mary Kitzmiller HARS
Jillian Lang LRC

Constitution and By-Laws

Name Division
Matthew Rieger BSTM
Jennifer O'Rourke AHSS
Kerri Friel HARS
Jillian Lang LRC



Name Division
Kathy Gazzola HARS




Goal Status
Update Constitution and By-laws In progress

Meeting Dates, Agendas, Minutes

Constitution, By-laws, and Elections Committee

October 7 10am Zoom

Agenda Minutes

Governance Subcommittee

October 4 1pm Zoom

Agenda Minutes

Constitution and By-laws Subcommittee

September 27 3pm In-person

September 21


October 12


November 9
