
Non-Regionally Accredited Courses

Courses completed at a non-regionally accredited institution or online platform go through Credit for Prior Learning for a credit evaluation. 


Students with this type of prior learning should follow the steps below:

  1. Review your Program Requirements and identify which CCRI course you believe is a match for your prior coursework.
  2. Send your official transcript from the other institution/organization to CCRI. Note: Credly is now used for ACE Working transcripts. Credly transcripts can be sent (via the Credly portal) directly to Prior Learning Coordinator, Nicole Sheldon at [email protected].
  3. Send an email to Prior Learning Coordinator, Nicole Sheldon with the following information:
    • Your full name, DOB or CCRI ID Number, and the name of your CCRI program
    • The name of the CCRI course you believe is an equivalent for your prior coursework
    • Your prior course’s syllabus (if available)
    • Clarify whether your transcript has been submitted via Credly or if it was sent directly to CCRI Records

Next steps:

Coursework information will be submitted by the Prior Learning Coordinator to the corresponding Academic Department for credit evaluation. Academic Departments may approve or deny credit. If a credit award is recommended by the Academic Department, the Prior Learning Coordinator will generate a Credit Award Form and send it electronically to the student for their e-signature before the credit is added to the student’s CCRI Academic Transcript.