Credit for Prior Learning Pathways for Early Childhood Education Students
The Early Childhood Education program recently underwent in an in-depth Credit for Prior Learning review, resulting in significant enhancement and expansion of pathways to Credit for Prior Learning!
Opportunity #1: RI ECE Professional Development Training Credit Awards - You could be eligible for up to 6 credits. Think you might be eligible? Use the self-help tools below to find out!
Step 1: Preview the Eligibility Checklists
-Checklist for Elective Courses
-Checklist for Required Courses
Step 2: Read the FAQ [PDF]
Step 3: Gather documentation of your Professional Development Trainings and complete your Eligiblility Checklist(s).
Step 4: Send your completed Eligibility Checklist(s) and proper documentation to Prior Learning Coordinator, Nicole Sheldon at [email protected]. Please allow 1-2 weeks for your credit award to be processed and be sure to check your CCRI email address often for communication!
Opportunity #2: Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential Credit Award - Students who have earned their CDA credential are eligible for 6 credits. For details, view the following PDF: CDA Credit Award Prerequisites & Student Steps.
Opportunity #3: Portfolio Assessment Opportunities - Portfolio assessments are outcomes-based, meaning students must demonstrate/provide evidence of their prior learning in areas of the Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for a specific course in order to earn credit for it. After reviewing the HMNS Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for the identified course, students may wish to move forward with the portfolio process. Please note the Portfolio Assessment fee is equivalent to one credit hour of in-state tuition ($231 in Spring 2025
The following courses contain NAEYC-required Key assessments and have special instructions for portfolio assessment:
HMNS 2100 Child Growth and Development Skills [PDF]
HMNS 2120 Curriculum for Young Children [PDF]
HMNS 2150 Parent and Child Relations [PDF]
The following courses are not eligible for Portfolio Assessment:
HMNS 1210 Field Experience and Seminar I: Child Development
HMNS 2310 Field Experience and Seminar II: Child Development
HMNS 2410 Field Experience and Seminar III: Child Development
HMNS 2900 Human Services Capstone
Opportunity #4: CLEP Opportunity - Students with prior learning in the area of HMNS 2100 Child Growth and Development Skills may be able to earn credit through the CLEP: Human Growth and Development. For details, view the following PDF: CLEP for HMNS 2100. Please note there may be a registration fee for CLEP.