Equivalency Exams
Some exams have previously been established as equivalents for CCRI courses. Explore the options below. Before you register for an exam, you should confirm that the specific CCRI course equivalent is applicable to your program of study.
-CCRI Course Equivalencies for CLEP: Click here to access the Transfer Evaluation System (TES). First, click the link for TES and then use the search tool to enter "CLEP". Review the CLEP equivalencies listed (on page 2).
-Learn more about CLEP and specific CLEP exams: https://clep.collegeboard.org/
-Register for CLEP at CCRI: https://www.ccri.edu/advising/clep/
-Scores: If you have indicated for your score report to be sent to CCRI, your score report will be sent to and processed by CCRI Records department. To follow up on your score report, email [email protected].
DSST (Formerly called Dantes)
-CCRI Course Equivalencies for DSST: Click here to access the Transfer Evaluation System (TES). First, click the link for TES and then use the search tool to enter "DSST". Review the DSST equivalencies listed.
-Learn more about DSST and specific DSST exams: https://getcollegecredit.com/dsst-exams/
-Register for DSST at CCRI: https://www.ccri.edu/onestop/testingcenters/dsst.html
When registering for DSST, students should indicate CCRI School Code 8859
-Scores: If you have indicated for your score report to be sent to CCRI, your score report will be sent to CCRI's Records Department and then to Prior Learning Coordinator Nicole Sheldon ([email protected]) for processing/posting.
A note about AP Exams
-AP Exams occur during high school. High school students who are curious about a potential credit award may check the equivalency list below. High school students who plan to attend CCRI should indicate CCRI as a score recipient when registering for AP Exams during high school. School counselors can often be of assistance with this.
-CCRI Course Equivalencies for AP: Click here to access the Transfer Evaluation System (TES). First, click the link for TES and then use the search tool to enter "Advanced Placement". Review the AP equivalencies listed.
-Scores: If you have indicated for your score report to be sent to CCRI, your score report will be sent to and processed by CCRI Records department.
If you did not indicate for your score report to be sent to CCRI when you registered, and you now wish for your score report to be sent to CCRI, you must have your score sent directly from College Board. To do so, you will need to login to your College Board account at collegeboard.org. You may need to contact College Board customer service for assistance with accessing your account. Please note that College Board may require a small fee associated with sending your score report.
To follow up on your score report, email [email protected].
A note about GED College Ready Exam Scores
Earning a score of 175 to 200 on the GED® exam places a student at the College Ready Plus level. This means that, with that score, a student has demonstrated more than being just College Ready; hence the designation of College Ready Plus. Students entering CCRI who have earned this status are eligible for 10 college credits after the student has received an ACE recommendation for credits. Here is how the credits are awarded:
- MATH 1200 - College Algebra (3 credits)
- BIOL 1005 - General Science Elective (4 credits)
- SOCS 1010 - General Sociology (3 credits)
- ENGL 0000 - English (1 credit)
Students are encouraged to send their qualifying scores to Prior Learning Coordinator, Nicole Sheldon at [email protected] for evaluation.