
A.S. Degree in Science (SCID)

The SCID program is intended for students desiring to pursue a career in the sciences and/or related disciplines and who have expectations of transferring to a four-year college or university.

Admission Requirements and Curriculum

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the A.S. Degree program in Science, students will be able to
  • Demonstrate a factual knowledge base relevant to science
  • Display both written and oral communication skills using scientific terminology
  • Read, understand, and carry out laboratory protocols while using appropriate laboratory equipment with minimal supervision
  • Work in collaboration with other students in a scientific environment
  • Apply mathematical concepts to solving quantitative scientific problems while employing critical thinking and the scientific method
  • Demonstrate competency in the use of scientific techniques and technology/read, understand, and depict quantitative information in both tabular and graphic form

Information about the capstone course, BIOL 2500, CHEM 2500, and PHYS 2500

The capstone course, Applications in Science and Math, typically runs once a year during the spring semester. Each spring, all second year SCID students will meet with a professor from the either the Biology, Chemistry, or Physics and Engineering Departments. Currently, the course is housed in the Biology Department and runs as BIOL 2500. All SCID students, regardless of their scientific interests, will sign up for BIOL 2500. For help with registering, contact the Biology Chair, Dr. Turenius-Bell ([email protected]).