Want to learn Manufacturing and Design?
Earn a certificate from CCRI that will teach you the basics of modern manufacturing. This
program builds the basic skills and knowledge for employment opportunities in theCNC
manufacturing environment. The certificate covers areas of science and mathematics
as they apply to machining practices and CNC programming. Emphasis is placed on both
theoretical and practical phases of the design, cost and production of machine parts.
Learn More about Manufacturing and Design
Want to learn Advanced Manufacturing and 3-D Prototyping?
This program builds on the basic skills and knowledge developed in the Manufacturing
and Design certificate (ETCI). The certificate will increase CNC programming skills
and introduce the concepts of rapid prototyping, digital direct manufacturing and
the use of 3D-laser scanning and 3D-printing. The courses will make extensive use
of 3D-modeling with SolidWorks, tool control with G and M codes and MasterCam. Learn More about Advanced Manufacturing and 3-D Prototyping