
Engineering Course Outcomes









ENGR 1020 - Introduction to Engineering and Technology

  • To acquaint the student to the various fields of engineering and technology.
  • To enable the student to identify, formulate, and solve engineering and engineering technology problems.
  • To enable the student to communicate effectively.
  • To equip the student with the latest technology.
  • To enable the student to apply the team approach to assigned projects.

ENGR 1030 - Engineering Graphics

  • Identify and understand the various fields of engineering and technology.
  • Utilize analytical and non-analytical tools to complete homework assignments, lab activities, and team projects.
  • Apply techniques of problem solving to engineering examples.
  • Implement a collaborative approach to assigned projects.
  • Communicate effectively.
  • Operate and utilize the latest CAD technology.
  • Demonstrate proficiency using Solidworks graphical software.
  • Represent a three dimensional objects on one drawing plane with multiple views that are mutual perpendicular to each other.
  • Understand the concept of true length of line and the true shape of an oblique plane.
  • Solve problems that relate to intersections and developments of complex solid prisms and cones that intersect at oblique angles.
  • Articulate the significance of a working drawing and proper dimensioning.

ENGR 2050 - Engineering Mechanics - Statics

  • Understand the fundamental concepts and principles of mechanics.
  • Manipulate force vectors in a plane (2D) and in space (3D).
  • Use Vector algebra to manipulate moments about a point and about an axis.
  • Utilize equations of equilibrium in two and three dimensions.
  • Calculate centroids of lines, areas, and volumes.
  • Determine centroids by parts and by integration.
  • Analyze trusses by method of joints and method of sections.
  • Understand basic force distribution internal to beams.
  • Include frictional forces and friction angles in equilibrium problems.
  • Determine moments of inertia by integration.
  • Calculate radius of gyration of an area.
  • Understand the importance of coordinate axis to moments.
  • Transfer moments by parallel axis theorem.

ENGR 2060 - Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics

  • Define rectilinear and curvilinear components of motion.
  • Utilize calculus to determine kinematic quantities.
  • Work in Cartesian space as well as normal/tangential and radial/transverse.
  • Solve problems with equation of motion and dynamic equilibrium.
  • Utilize principle of work and energy.
  • Demonstrate understanding of conservation of energy.
  • Utilize principle of impulse and momentum.
  • Demonstrate understanding of conservation of momentum.
  • Solve dynamic problems involving direct and oblique central impact.
  • Extend kinematic knowledge from particles to rigid bodies.
  • Identify motion involving translation, rotation, and a combination.
  • Apply force and acceleration dynamics to rigid bodies.
  • Apply work and energy to rigid bodies.
  • Apply impulse and momentum to rigid bodies.

ENGR 2160 - Introduction to Engineering Analysis

  • To give the student the foundation of engineering analysis and its application to engineering problems.
  • To have the student demonstrate competency in EXCEL by setting up and solving engineering problems.
  • To have the student demonstrate competency in MATLAB by setting up and solving engineering problems.

ENGR 2320 - Digital Electronics

  • Students will become proficient and learn to analyze and synthesize digital logic circuits.
  • Learn various number systems and codes
  • Design of Boolean functions using NOT, AND, OR, EXOR, NAND and NOR gates
  • Sequential logic – using flip-flops, JK and D-type
  • Arithmetic logic circuits
  • Counters and registers
  • MSI and LSI logic families
  • Memory devices
  • PLCs
  • Introduction to µprocessors
  • Asynchronous and synchronous counters
  • D/A and A/D conversions
  • Shift registers
  • Data transfer
  • Encoders and decoders

ENGR 2520 - Microprocessor and Microcomputers

  • Understanding of the basic concepts related to computer architectures such as the von Neumann and Harvard architecture.   
  • The ability to program a microcontroller at the assembly language level to create branches, use subroutine calls and interrupts and to configure peripherals such as the A/D and timers.   
  • Understanding of the terminology and uses associated with program and data memory maps, computer architecture block diagrams, and address, data, and control busses.  
  • The ability to write detailed lab reports to document the problem being solved, and the design and testing of software / firmware.  
  • The ability to use flowcharts to document code design. 
  • The ability to use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to single step through source code, set breakpoints and debug defective code.   
  • Understanding of the relationship between high level languages such as C, assembly language, machine language and microcode.   
  • The ability to create C language programs for microcontroller applications at an introductory level.   

ENGR 2540 - Mechanics of Materials for Engineering

  • Review and calculate types of internal forces and moments; N, V, M, T
  • Introduce and explore the concepts of stress and strain as well as the relationship between them
  • Determine various types of stress including axial normal stress, direct shear stress, bearing stress, torsional shear stress, bending stress, beam shear stress
  • Determine the deformation of structural components under various independent loads
  • Define numerous material properties such as modulus of elasticity, Poison's ratio, modulus of rigidity
  • Introduce compatibility equations and use them to solve indeterminate problems
  • Analyze and calculate stress in problems involving combined loading conditions
  • Use stress transformation equations and Mohr's circle to perform plane stress transformations in both 2D and 3D
  • Introduce and calculate principal stresses and the principal planes on which they occur
  • Analyze columns defining stability, buckling, effective length, slenderness ratio, and critical load

ENGR 2620 - Linear Systems

  • Learns definitions, units and symbols of basic electrical quantities – charge, current, voltage, power, energy and dependent and independent sources
  • Learns Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws – resistors in series and parallel
  • Analysis of complex circuits, simultaneous equations, Kramer’s rule
  • Nodal and Mesh analysis techniques
  • Superposition, source transformation, linearity, Thevenin’s and Horton’s equivalent circuit
  • Introduction to operational amplifiers
  • SS functioning of capacitors and inductors
  • Natural and forced response of RL and RC circuits
  • Second order RLC circuits – natural and forced response
  • Review of transient analysis
  • Magnetic circuits – Faraday’s law of magnetic induction, AC sinusoidal analysis
  • AC analysis using mesh, nodal, Thevenin’s and Norton’s techniques
  • AC steady state power computation, power factor correction – use of transformers in power distribution

ENGR 2621 - Linear Systems Lab

Students are required to perform the following experiments using both computer analysis techniques and by physical construction of appropriate circuits.

They need to be proficient in the use of instruments for measuring voltage, current, power, frequency and gain.

Laboratory experiments include:
  • Resistance, maximum power transfer, efficiency
  • Verification of Ohm’s law, Kirchoff’s current and voltage laws
  • Series/parallel circuits
  • Nodal and mesh analysis
  • Transients in RL, RC, and RLC circuits
  • AC waveform measurements – use of oscilloscopes
  • Operational amplifier gain characteristics
  • Hi pass – low pass filters – frequency response

ENGT 1060 - AutoCAD (Basic) 

  • Introduce Students to the AutoCAD environment
  • Create and modify standard objects and shapes
  • Develop and maintain professional file management skills
  • Work with and control object properties
  • Utilize drawing tools and drafting settings; grid, snap, ortho, polar
  • Customize the workspace and interface
  • Use layouts and paper space effectively
  • Create and work with multiple layers
  • Annotate drawings with text, dimensioning, and tables
  • Create pattern fills and hatching
  • Determine proper scaling and utilize viewports
  • Plot and produce professional drawings

ENGT 2090 - Advanced Solid Modeling

  • Understand solid modeling concepts and terms.
  • Be proficient in creating complex parts and assemblies.
  • Understand the use of advance mates and mechanical mates when creating an assembly of parts.
  • Be able to create working drawings from parts and assemblies including dimensions.
  • Create animated models from part assemblies.
  • Learn to use rendering tool for presentation work.
  • Learn to use the sheet metal design capabilities of the software.
  • Learn to use the mold design capabilities of the software.
  • Implement all facets of design process including stress and deflection analysis.
  • Evaluate the effects of substituting various materials for a particular design scenario.

ETCN 1100 - Blue Print Reading and the Machinery's Handbook 

  • Use the machinery's handbook as a reference tool to find specific information regarding a manufacturing or machining application problem
  • Identify the different line types used on an industrial blueprint
  • Identify the value of tolerances and dimensions used in industrial blueprint for precision machining
  • Understand the components of ANSI size Title Block a standard revision box in the change order system
  • Understand thread forms and thread nomenclature found on industrial blueprints
  • Understand the terms associated with the standard views found on industrial blueprints
  • Identify the standing ANSI size drawing sheets

ETCN 1200 - Precision Measurement and Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerance 

  • Identify the feature control frame and understand the components within
  • Understand the use of primary, secondary and tertiary datum’s
  • Understand and apply the correct measurement and set up techniques based on the part geometry
  • Apply the rules of maximum and minimum materials conditions when measuring the machined parts or assemblies. As they conform to the rules of limits of size
  • Understand the relationship between machined features as directed per the feature control frame that dictates fit form or function of the machined parts
  • Apply the necessary measuring techniques used to measure orientation tolerance
  • Apply the necessary measuring techniques used to measure positional tolerance
  • Apply the necessary measuring techniques used to measure profile tolerance

ETCN 1300 - CNC Machining I 

  • Understand how the Cartesian coordinate system relates to CNC Routing Turning and Milling operations
  • Safely set up and operate the two axis CNC Lathe, Router, and 2-1/2, 3axis milling machines
  • Write simple part programs for the two axis CNC lathe and router and milling machines
  • Be introduced to master cam's machining software program
  • Read and interpret industrial blueprints used in the manufacturing of part programming
  • Calculate speeds and feeds for CNC machining operations
  • Identify cutting tools used for milling turning and wood cutting operations
  • Interface with the machine tool controls
  • Simulate part programs on CNC machining simulation software

ETCN 2100 - Computer Aided Manufacturing (MasterCam) 

  • Use Master Cam graphical interface, toolbars command, and Master Cam's graphical interface
  • Create and manage geometry drawn in the master cam's graphical area
  • Apply the appropriate cutting tools, calculate machining speeds and feeds and perform stock set up procedures using master cam
  • Work with different file types (DWG, SL PRT) files and integrate those with Master Cam files
  • Draw complex geometric shapes, resulting in tool path
  • Post their ends see file inside master cam to create a CNC file that will be run in a milling machine, lathe or CNC router
  • Integrate the CNC files created in the CNC machining class and create tool path using master cam
  • Tools simulate the programs that have been generated and edit them to maximize machining and operation time

ETCN 2200 - CNC Machining II 

  • Safely operate CNC ways, milling machines, and routers
  • Establish points of origin related to part geometry all machine tool origin
  • Set all to links on the automatic tool changer for the CNC vertical milling machine and lathe
  • Calculate the correct RPMs, speeds, feeds, depth of cut, cutter rotation and cutter length offset values for different types of CNC operations
  • Use different work-holding devices and be able to program part offsets using standard and G code
  • Debug a CNC part program
  • Machine more complex geometry using standard G and M code
  • Program circular profiles using standard GM
  • Draw and create tool-path using Master Cam

ETCN 2300 - 3D-Modeling and Prototyping (Direct Digital Manufacturing) 

  • Understand how the process of Additive Manufacturing and how it is related in a manufacturing process, such as tool-making, model-making or pattern-making
  • Understand the advantages of using Additive Manufacturing and how it impacts the manufacturing process, product, part development and lead-time to the end-user
  • Understand the materials that can be used in an additive Manufacturing application
  • Understand how this technology can be optimized by taking geometrics with multiple opponents in assembly and simplifying it into fewer sub components or assemblies
  • Discern the types of Additive Manufacturing capabilities based on part geometry customer demands and CNC machine capabilities
  • Safely set up and operate the Dimension SST 1200es 3D machine

ETCN 2500 - Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Practicum/Capstone 

  • Set up and keep an engineering journal
  • Practice work place professionalism
  • Participate in project planning, while taking major program topics in to account
  • Perform critical assessment of program material and practicum or internship experience
  • Write a resume

ETEE 1050 - Introduction to Electromechanical Systems 

  • Develop a basic understanding of electricity and magnetism.
  • Acquire a basic understanding of practical electrical and magnetic applications.
  • Utilize skills for electromagnetic measurements.
  • Achieve the skill level necessary to analyze basic electrical circuits.
  • Establish an understanding of electromagnetic systems.
  • Troubleshoot basic electromagnetic systems.
  • Translate measurement data and analysis to a report.
  • Work in a team to create solutions to mini-projects.
  • Orally present a solution to a technical problems or mini-projects.
  • Research and report on technical studies.

ETEE 1100 - Engineering Applications of Computers

  • Develop a method for solving engineering problems using programming
  • Examine object oriented programming languages for application development
  • Design, develop, and properly document programs as solutions
  • Create and debug programs in an integrated development environment
  • Compile programs as stand-alone executables
  • Understand data types, variables, conversions, formats, arrays, and data manipulation
  • Understand and use classes, objects, and properties
  • Create a practical graphical user interface
  • Use events, branching, and repetition in program solutions
  • Create external interfaces for input and output
  • Create program modules that can be reused for solving additional problems
  • Use hardware and software to analyze engineering problems
  • Design and develop programs to solve a broad range of engineering problems
  • Work in a team environment, and provide quality work performance
  • Identify sources of information and reference material for program design and development

ETEE 1120 - Electronic Devices and Circuits 

  • Understand characteristics of semi conductors.
  • Analyze practical applications of semi conductors, integrated circuits and operational amps.
  • Analyze, troubleshoot and repair power supplies, amplifiers and various circuits.
  • Perform laboratory experiments with hardware and computer programs.
  • Troubleshoot faults in electronic circuits.

ETEE 1500 - Electrical Systems I 

  • Understand various passive electrical component  concepts including resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers, etc.
  • Solve problems for AC and DC systems
  • Design basic electrical circuits
  • Create passive filter circuits
  • Analyze single and three phase electrical power circuits and basic systems
  • Use and construct multiphase power systems
  • Simulate electrical circuits/systems using computer simulation software
  • Perform electrical measurements of current, voltage, reactance, impedance, and power
  • Assemble and test electrical circuits and basic systems
  • Evaluate and document circuit/system test results

ETEE 1800 - Introduction to Digital Systems 

  • Introduce student to fundamental concepts of digital control components and systems.
  • Become familiar with the basic electrical interfaces to electronic and electromechanical devices.
  • Understand basic Boolean operations and control system logic.
  • Read and draw electrical ladder diagrams
  • Proficiency at following and creating wiring diagrams
  • Analyze and develop basic control system solutions.
  • Wire and configure I/O to PLC using ladder diagrams and instructions.
  • Develop well documented PLC programs
  • Use programmable logic controller software to configure, simulate, and test systems.
  • Design, build and test PLC programs
  • Preparation of well-organized and easily understood lab reports.
  • Ability to draw logical conclusions from lab work.

ETEE 2390 - Electrical Power Systems 

  • Exercise proper safety considerations while working on power systems
  • Perform basic single and three-phase power system measurements
  • Understand the basics of power systems and their design
  • Perform power factor measurements and correction
  • Use data acquisition equipment for measurements
  • Provide basic troubleshooting skills for power systems problems
  • Calculate voltages, currents, and power in three-phase circuits
  • Translate measurement data and analysis into a formal report
  • Work in a team to create solutions to problems and projects
  • Orally present a solution to technical problems and projects
  • Independently research and report on technical issues

ETEE 2500 - Electrical Systems II (Capstone) 

  • Perform the basic industry functions of splicing wires, connecting fuses and transformers.
  • Demonstrate industry-correct techniques and procedures to ensure an efficient and safe work environment.
  • Use power industry tools and equipment in an efficient and safe manner.
  • Apply circuit theory to electrical-power generation, transmission, and distribution systems.
  • Articulate electrical safety regulations and work procedures in the electrical energy utility industry.
  • Communicate results, decisions, and ideas verbally and in writing in a clear, concise manner.
  • Demonstrate problem solving by applying mathematical principles toward real technical problems.
  • Explain practicum experiences relative to the program goals and the program capstone objectives.
  • Document practicum experiences using Word, Excel and Power Point, and portfolio entries.
  • Complete the program portfolio and explain the major industry functions, business issues and technology.

ETME 1010 - Robotics and Control

  • Give the student a fundamental understanding of the field of robotics
  • Give the student the ability to program and operate the IBM 7545 robot.
  • Give the student the ability to program and operate the SCORBOT ERIII robot.
  • Give the student the ability to program and operate the LAB-VOLT MODEL 5250 robot.
  • The student should have the ability to integrate sensor technology and other external devices into the robot system.

ETME 1020 - Introduction to Manufacturing Processes

  • Safely setup and operate conventional machine tools
  • Identify the three basic machining axes
  • Identify part Datum's
  • Use precession measuring tools, measuring to a precision of one thousand of an inch
  • Use dial indicators in the inspection and setup of projects
  • Calculate machining speeds and feeds for machining operations
  • Interpret part blueprints for machining speculations and operations
  • Produce a project methods sheet
  • Select the correct cutting tools based on the machining operation
  • Select the correct cutting tool holders based on the machining operations
  • Safely use hand tools and their accessories

ETME 1500 - Mechanical Systems I

  • Identify fastener types and uses.
  • Plan the assembly and methods used for simple mechanical systems.
  • Research specifications and parameters of equipment through manufacturing specifications and reference 
    material and handouts.
  • Identify basic mechanical drive components and understand their functions.
  • Use tables and cross reference charts for alternate component choices.

ETME 1510 - Engineering Mechanics Technology

  • Understand vector and equilibrium concepts, terms, and applications.
  • Apply kinetics and kinematics to mechanical situations.
  • Understand Axial and Bending Stress and Deformation.
  • Understand Torsional Stress and Deformation.
  • Analyze spring and frictional forces.
  • Explain rectilinear kinematics and rotational motion.
  • Identify and apply work and energy methods of analysis.
  • Understand instant centers and basic mechanisms/linkages.
  • Describe Mohrs circle and its applications to complex loading.
  • Analyze combined stress/strain.
  • Determine elemental centroids and center of gravities.
  • Calculate and utilize cross sectional moments of inertia.
  • Prepare comprehensive technical lab reports.
  • Identify sources of information and reference material for current and emerging networking technologies.
  • Work in a team environment, and provide quality work performance.

ETME 2310 - Automation Systems

  • Student will have an understanding of the manufacturing enterprise and manufacturing systems
  • Student will have an understanding of automation
  • Student will develop efficient manufacturing systems using analytical techniques
  • Student will have an understanding of automatic assembly transfer lines and vibratory and mechanical feeders
  • Student will have an understanding of automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS)
  • Student will have an understanding of when to use production support machines and systems

ETME 2500 - Mechanical Systems II (Capstone)

  • Understand and define the problem.
  • Create a sequence of operation for the situation.
  • Select components required for the task.
  • Assemble the components into a system, apply motors, clutches/ breaks, cylinders and slides.
  • Attach and mount required sensors, actuators, and valves.
  • Test and power up mechanical devices.
  • Create and debug programs to control devices.
  • Understand industry standards for wiring and plumbing.
  • Understand OSHA requirements.
  • Learn debugging techniques.

ETME 2930 - Industrial Materials

  • Introduce the student to characteristics of different materials systems.
  • Introduce the student to types of heat treatments.
  • Introduce the student to the mechanical properties of metals.
  • Introduce the student to materials testing techniques.
  • Student will obtain an introductory understanding of the characteristics of different materials systems.
  • Student will obtain knowledge of the mechanical properties of metals.
  • Student will learn the types of heat treatments and when to use each.
  • Student will be able to perform and understand various materials testing techniques.

ETUT 1060 - Energy Industry Safety

  • Define and explain the key concepts and purposes of Human Performance.
  • Explain the various causes of human error and demonstrate the corrective responses.
  • Explain various electrical and mechanical failures that can be a danger and demonstrate appropriate corrective actions.
  • Read electrical, mechanical and pipe drawings to ensure a safe work environment.
  • Locate and identify the major plant equipment, control room, switchyard, and emergency safety routes.
  • Explain OSHA regulations and demonstrate its application to individual and group safety.
  • Explain safety practices of an energy utility provider, such as National Grid, towards providing a safe and healthy work environment.
  • Define and strictly comply with power plant workplace health, industrial and environmental safety, and communication practices.
  • Analyze, solve and report on a potentially hazardous environment.

ETUT 1160 - Introduction to Energy Utility Industry

  • Articulate an overall understanding of the energy utility industry business and technical issues.
  • Describe State and Federal regulation, rates, quality of service and safety regulations.
  • Explain the process of producing electrical energy in fossil & nuclear generating facilities.
  • Identify the electrical energy delivery system process and functions.
  • Explain the general safety role of employees for the protection of themselves, co-workers and the general public.
  • Identify the gas energy delivery system process to provide customers with reliable energy.
  • Research and produce a report on an industry related topic using MS Word.
  • Research and produce a oral present report on an industry related topic using MS PowerPoint.
  • Calculate and model various industry related issues using MS Excel.
  • Utilize energy simulation and analysis software.

ETUT 2500 - Energy Industry Practicum and Capstone

  • Perform the basic industry functions of splicing wires, connecting fuses and transformers.
  • Demonstrate industry-correct techniques and procedures.
  • Demonstrate familiar with the tools and equipment used in the power industry.
  • Apply circuit theory to electrical-power generation, transmission and distribution systems.
  • Articulate electrical safety regulations and work procedures in the electrical energy utility industry.
  • Communicate results, decisions and ideas verbally and in writing in a clear, concise manner.
  • Demonstrate problem solving by applying mathematical principles toward real technical problems.
  • Demonstrate the application of the practicum experience to program capstone objectives.
  • Document a practicum experience using Word, Excel and Power Point.
  • Complete the program portfolio and explain the major industry functions, business issues and technology.

INST 1010 - Introduction to Instrumentation Technology

  • Understand technical terms and nomenclature used in industrial measurement and industrial process control
  • Understand fundamentals of industrial processes, process measurements, and process control theory
  • Understand the operation of fundamental instrumentation
  • Use of equipment used in industrial process measurement and control
  • Set up and run basic laboratory experiments using a variety of instrumentation
  • Use instruments to measure pressure, temperature, flow, and level
  • Understand the principles of operation of sensors including thermocouples, strain gages
  • Understand principles of instrumentation communications protocols
  • Demonstrate technical knowledge and skills to perform instrumentation calibration
  • Demonstrate skills in trouble-shooting problems with measurement devices, process controls, and industrial processes
  • Collect and analyze data from experiments
  • Present information in table and graph form for analysis
  • Prepare a well-organized laboratory report
  • An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams
  • Students will demonstrate basic communication skills by working in groups on laboratory experiments and the thoughtful discussion and interpretation of data
  • Ability to clearly communicate the results of scientific analysis in written and oral and visual form
  • Demonstrate knowledge and practice safety rules in the measurement and control of industrial processes
  • An understanding of personal, professional and ethical integrity and responsibility
  • Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning