
Student Immunization Information

For everyone's safety, the Rhode Island Department of Health requires students to have immunizations before they can attend their second semester. The forms below list the immunizations required, and need to be signed by your doctor or other health care provider. Health Sciences students should submit the Immunization Form for Health Sciences students , and all other students submit the Immunization Form for College Students.

Immunization Form for College Students (PDF)
Immunization Form for Health Sciences Students (PDF)
Immunization Form for International College Students (PDF)
Immunization Exemption Certificate

You can also submit immunization records from your high school or doctor's office. If you have any questions about what documentation fulfills this requirement: [email protected]. Make sure you have included your CCRI ID number on your records for timely processing. Please email records to [email protected].

If you are having trouble getting your immunization records, don't worry! There are low-cost medical tests called titers you can take to show immunity. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get my records if my doctor is no longer in practice?

There are low-cost medical tests called titers you can take to show immunity. If your insurance does not cover these tests, you can obtain a lab slip from CCRI Health Services. Please contact CCRI Health Services for more information: [email protected].

What if I can't provide an immunization record for religious or medical reasons?

An exemption form is available from Health Services, which is filed with CCRI and the State of Rhode Island as mandated. In the event of a outbreak, students who waived vaccines for the disease will be excluded from school for the duration of the outbreak.

What is a two-step PPD?

A two-step PPD involves two PPD tests done no less than two weeks apart. This testing is done as an initial testing for tuberculosis exposure. Once the two-step is complete, annual testing is done. Hospitals have agreed to accept two PPD tests done within a six-month period as a two-step. Any student receiving serial annual PPD testing is exempt from the two-step PPD test.

What if I had a positive PPD test in the past?

Submit the date of the positive PPD test and a negative chest x-ray report done following the positive PPD. Once a negative chest x-ray has been done, no further x-rays are required. You will be required to have a TB Symptom Assessment completed by your primary care provider and submitted to Health Services annually.

Do I need to wait until after I finish a series of vaccines to submit my records?

Even if you are waiting to finish a series, send in your records now. Keep in mind there is a lag time between actual submission and data entry, which you must accommodate by getting your information in as soon as possible.

What health records do I need for the Health Sciences Program?

Healthcare Requirements for Health Science Students

Will I be able to start clinicals if I haven't received the Hepatitis B vaccine or just started the series?

As long as you have started the series, you are eligible to start clinicals. However, you will be excluded if you do not obtain the remainder of the series according to schedule.

  • Dose 1
  • Dose 2 = 1 month after dose 1
  • Dose 3 = 5 months after dose 2

Within two months of the initial series, you will need to titer for the SURFACE (HsAb) ANTIBODY to see if you have converted to immune status. If you have not converted, you will be asked to repeat the series.

If I already had a Tdap vaccine, why do I need a booster?

The Tdap vaccine contains protection against pertussis (whooping cough) which has risen in prevalence recently. As result, all health care workers whose Td (tetanus and diphtheria) is more than two years old are required to obtain a Tdap booster. The pertussis portion of the vaccine prompted this new requirement.

Is the influenza vaccine required?

Clinical sites have stated they want all students to provide documentation of receiving or declining the flu vaccine. If you decline the vaccine, a Flu Declination form must be submitted.