Submitting Tax Information and W-2's
The best way to verify income is by using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool that is part of FAFSA on the Web. It takes up to two weeks for IRS income information to be available for the IRS Data Retrieval Tool for electronic IRS tax return filers, and up to eight weeks for paper IRS tax return filers. If you need more information about when, or how to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool see your financial aid administrator.
Information concerning:
- IRS Data Retrieval Tool
- Amended tax return filers
- Victim of Tax Administration Identity Theft
- Requesting an IRS tax return transcript
Utilizing IRS Data Retrieval Tool
How to file a FAFSA utilizing the IRS Data Retrieval Tool
- Visit the FAFSA Web application page
- Choose Start a New FAFSA or Login
- Enter Student Information
- Complete sections prior to Financial Information
- Choose Already completed as filing status.
- Answer questions concerning IRS Data Retrieval Tool eligibility and click “Link to IRS” if offered
- This will transfer applicant to secure IRS link to transfer data
- IMPORTANT: Information must be entered accurately for matching purposes. If information is entered incorrectly, you may be denied the ability to continue with the matching option.
- Student and/or parent must check the box authorizing Transfer My Tax Information into the FAFSA and then click on Transfer Now to complete IRS Data Retrieval Process
- Once data has been transferred, complete remainder of application and submit for processing.
How to make a FAFSA correction to link to IRS Data Retrieval
- Visit the FAFSA Web Application Page
- Login into financial aid application
- Choose Make FAFSA Corrections
- Enter valid FSA Username and password
- Choose Financial Information tab along the tool bar on FAFSA application
- Choose Already completed as filing status.
- Answer questions concerning IRS Data Retrieval Tool eligibility and click “Link to IRS” if offered
- This will transfer applicant to secure IRS link to transfer data
- IMPORTANT: Information must be entered accurately for matching purposes. If information is entered incorrectly, you may be denied the ability to continue with the matching option.
- Student and/or parent must check the box authorizing Transfer My Tax Information into the FAFSA and then click on Transfer Now to complete IRS Data Retrieval Process
- Once data has been transferred, FAFSA must be resubmitted for information to be processed.
Student and/or Parent(s) will not be able to use the IRS Data Retrieval process if any of the following apply:
- Marital status of student or parent changes after December 31, 2018
- Student or parent filed married filing separately
- Student or parent filed an amended tax return*
- Student or parent filed a foreign tax return
- Either student or parent lists married as marital status and filed tax return as head of household
If the student/spouse and/or parent(s)(dependent students only) are not eligible to use the IRS Retrieval, they must request an official IRS tax transcript
* Amended Tax Return Filers
Tax filers who have amended their federal income tax returns and are not eligible to utilize the IRS Data Retrieval Tool, must submit the following (2 items):
- An IRS Tax Return Transcript, or acceptable IRS alternative, such as Record of Account Transcript, a Return Transcript for Taxpayer (RTFTP) or an Information Returns Processing Transcript Request-Wages (IRPTR-W) and
- A signed copy of the IRS Form 1040X that was filed with the IRS
Victims of Tax Administration Identity Theft
A victim of tax administration identity theft who is not able to obtain a 2018 IRS Tax Return Transcript or use the IRS Data Retrieval must contact the IRS at 1-800-908-4490. Upon authentication of the tax filer's identity, the IRS will provide, by U.S. Postal Service, a printout of the tax filer's 2018 IRS income tax return information. The school must also collect a statement signed and dated the tax filer indicating that the IRS has been made aware of the tax-related identity theft.
Requesting an IRS tax transcript
Instructions to request an IRS tax transcript:
- Go to then select the following:
- Click Get a Tax Transcript
- Click Get Transcript by Mail
- Enter all required fields*
- * Street address is the address currently on file with the IRS.
- Click Continue
- Enter all required fields*
- Type of Transcript: Return Transcript
- Tax Year: Choose in drop down
- Click Continue
- Important Information: The transcript will take 5-10 days for delivery.
- Call the IRS at 1-800-908-9946
- When requesting the transcript, students should make sure they are requesting a tax
return transcript (Option #2.) Do not request a tax account transcript or record of
account as these forms do not include all of the lines necessary to complete verification
of your application.
- Your transcript(s) will be mailed within 5-10 days from the IRS
- Retrieve Form 4506-T (Request for Transcript of Tax Return) online at:
- Mail completed form to the address indicated on the form.
- Your transcript(s) will be mailed within 5-10 days from the IRS
In Person:
The IRS office does not allow walk-ins. In order to receive an IRS tax return transcript at the local IRS office, you must schedule an appointment by calling (844)545-5640.