
Classroom Technology

The Classroom Technology & Media Services team at the Community College of Rhode Island provides media services and technical support to over 270 educational and event spaces across four campuses.

All teaching and learning spaces are outfitted with standard computer and presentation technologies along with supported instructional applications; while specialized rooms include interactive displays, annotation and capture tools, media share and student response systems to promote active learning.

Digital media originating from faculty desktops or mobile applications, including graphics, documents, 3D objects, slides, video and web content can all annotated and presented onto screens, whiteboards, or in specific cases distributed to student workstations. Room furnishings and arrangements may consist of standard arm-chair desks, movable tables and chairs, group tables and chairs, collaborative learning modules and lecture hall seating.

The campus links below lists the available technology within the educational spaces at each location:

Knight - Warwick Flanagan - Lincoln Liston - Providence Newport County

Mobile Laptop Carts

Mobile Laptop Carts can be reserved as an alternative to scheduling an Electronic Classroom for faculty whose class requires computers. (Printing is unavailable.) To reserve a Mobile Laptop Cart, please complete the online Equipment Request Form.


One-on-one and small group workshops are available for faculty who are interested in exploring how technology can enhance teaching and learning; along with suggestions on how the technology may be incorporated into instruction. Documentation and supplemental material are also available in the IT Knowledge Base.

Classroom Equipment

Classroom equipment can be reserved by completing the online Equipment Request Form at least two business days in advance.

More Information

For more information regarding equipment reservations and loans, please visit the Equipment Loan Policies page. For a list of technology available for classroom use or college related business, on or off campus, please visit the Technology Available for Instructional Use page.