
Encumbrance Query

The Encumbrance Query allows you to search for encumbrance information by specific parameters, like Organization.  Encumbrances are funds set aside for future expenses.  They encumber the budget so it cannot be used for other purposes.  Most encumbrances are purchase orders at CCRI.  This query is useful for finding open and closed  purchase orders.

Steps to Create  an Encumbrance Query
Login to your MyCCRI account, click on the Finance tab,  and follow the steps outlined below to perform an encumbrance query:
Step 1

Under Finance Services click on Encumbrance Query

image of selecting Encumbrance Query
Step 2

Parameters to define the encumbrance query are entered on this form. 

If you've saved a query template, choose it in the Existing Query drop down and click Retrieve Query

You must enter a Fiscal year and Fiscal periodChart of Accounts (C for CCRI) and Organization Code.  Fiscal period defines the number of Fiscal months to be included in the query, e.g. 1 for July, 6 for through December.  Use 12 to include everything.

Choose Open in the Encumbrance Status drop down to show encumbrances that have a remaining balance.  Choose Closed to see those that have a zero balance.  Choose All to see both.

Click Submit query to see the query results.


  • Broaden your search by using the wild card (%).  For example, use %B4% to retrieve all orgs like WB4010, LB4020, PB4040.
  • Click on any of the field label buttons to query the field values
image of choosing the encumbrance status
Step 3

The Organization Encumbrance Status Report displays based on your parameters.  Click on the red numbers in the Document Code column to view the actual purchase order documents.

  • Description shows the vendor name
  • Original Commitment shows the original po amount
  • Encumbrance Adjustments shows changes to the amount of the purchase order
  • Encumbrance Liquidations shows the total relieved from the encumbrance
  • Year to Date shows the total paid on the purchase order
  • Current Commitments shows the amount remaining on the purchase order
  • % Used shows the percentage that is paid paid on the purchase order

Click Another Query to define another encumbrance query

Tip:  If an item is red or grey and becomes underlined when you mouse over it, you can click it to drill down further.

Information Technology