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Banner History

On December 20, 2002 the Community College of Rhode Island signed a contract for software licenses and a three year services agreement with SCT to migrate from the SCT Plus management information systems to the SCT Banner Student, Financial Aid, Human Resources and Finance suite of information systems. The project was guided by a Steering Committee that reported to the President's Council. Project teams were established to guide the implementation of each Banner module. With participation from SCT, the Steering Committee developed a Project Organization and Planning document that defined the scope of the migration and served as CCRI’s guide for the implementation.

The mission of the project was to ensure that the SCT Banner suite of information systems was implemented in a timely and cost effective manner within the framework of the College’s efforts to better serve its constituents. The primary goal of the initial phase of the project was to implement the core modules within a 3 year time frame with as much of the existing functionality as possible. The project scope was described in the Organization and Planning Doc (which is available only to the CCRI community).

The 3-year implementation project ended on June 30, 2006. All modules were implemented on schedule and within budget. The project teams continue to meet to discuss Banner issues, to plan upgrades, and to implement additional features of the software.

The following is an overview of the original project timeline.

Module Go Live Date Status
Finance July 2004 Go live occurred on July 1, 2004 as scheduled
Financial Aid March 2005 Go live occurred on March 14, 2005 as scheduled
Student: Admissions/Recruiting March 2005 Go live occurred on March 14, 2005 as scheduled
Student: Records/Registration March 2005 Go live occurred on March 14, 2005 as scheduled
Student: Bursar March 2005 Go live occurred on March 14, 2005 as scheduled
Human Resources Jan 2006 Go live occurred on Jan 4, 2006 with the first student payroll