
Approve Documents

Approve documents allows you to view documents that are awaiting approval in your approval queue.  You may view the document, view the approvals required (History), approve the document, or disapprove the document.

Steps for Document Approval
Login to your MyCCRI account, click on the Finance tab,  and follow the steps outlined below to approve documents:
Step 1

Under Finance Services click on Approve Documents

image of selecting Approve Documents
Step 2

The Enter Approval Parameters form will be displayed with your username in the User ID field. 

Select  All documents which you may approve to show every document awaiting your approval.

Click the Submit Query button.

image of Enter Approval Parameters
Step 3

The Approve Documents List will display with information about the selected documents in your approval queue.  Click on the Document Numberlocated in the Document column o view the details of the document.

Click the Internet Explorer back button to return to the Approve Documents List.

Information Technology
Step 4

Click on History next to the appropriate document number to  view the approval history of the document.

image of selecting document history
Step 5

The Approvals required form will display showing the queues that must  approve the document .including those individuals who may approve within that queue.  Only 1 of the approvers listed in each queue is required to approve.

Click the Internet Explorer back button to return to the Approve Documents List.

image of required approvals screen
Step 6

To approve the document, click on the Approve Document button next to the appropriate document number.

To disapprove the document, click on the Disapprove Document button next to the appropriate document number..

image of selecting Approve or Disapprove requisition
Step 7

Either the Disapprove Document form (as shown below) or the  Approve Document form will be displayed depending on your selection.  The forms look the same except for the form title and the button choice.

On either form, click the Cancel button to return to the Approve Documents List without changing the document.

Comment may be entered regarding the chosen action. This comment will be returned to the document creator and any prior approvers as a Banner message

Click on the Disapprove Document to disapprove the document or the Approve Document button to approve the document.  Either action will return you to the Approve Documents list where you can continue with other documents.

Information Technology