
About the Business and Professional Studies Programs


Transferring to earn your baccalaureate degree

Courses which will transfer to AACSB-accredited schools

Schools with AACSB affiliation

Business associate degree programs in the Business and Professional Studies Department are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) which attests to our high standards and excellence in teaching.  Professional Studies associate degree programs and all certificate programs in the Business and Professional Studies Department have been approved through the curriculum review process at the Community College of Rhode Island and have been affirmed by the Office of Postsecondary Education of the Rhode Island Department of Education.

The goals of the core program are to provide students with the opportunity to develop their communication, social interaction, leadership, and teamwork skills. The core program will also provide students with a basic understanding of the business environment in support of the learning objectives of each specific major concentration.

Transferring to earn your baccalaureate degree:

Students who are interested in transferring to another college to earn their baccalaureate degree are advised to elect courses which will meet requirements at the college of their choice.

Students desiring to establish a career skill which they may use directly after graduation may elect courses to prepare for accounting, financial services, management, marketing and general business administration, retail management and real estate.

Transferring to pursue a baccalaureate in business areas:

Students interested in transferring to a four-year college or university to pursue a baccalaureate in business areas have two options.

  • First, students may complete the Business and Professional Studies Program at the Community College and transfer to the junior year at an accredited four-year college of business. Under a policy of the Rhode Island Board of Governors for Higher Education, students in a “program transfer plan” are guaranteed admission to Rhode Island College if they complete an Associate Degree in Business and Professional Studies at CCRI and maintain at least a 2.4 GPA.
  • Second, students who wish to transfer to an institution accredited by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) should major in General Studies or Liberal Arts at the Community College. The University of Rhode Island is one of several institutions in New England accredited by the AACSB.

Courses which will transfer to AACSB-accredited schools:

The following may be taken as electives by General Studies and Liberal Arts majors for transfer to AACSB-accredited schools:

# of Semesters Program Courses
2 Accounting ACCT 1010
ACCT 1020
2 Economics ECON 2030
ECON 2040
* Business Law LAWS 2050
LAWS 2060
LAWS 2070
LAWS 2080
3 or 4 Mathematics MATH 1550
MATH 1560
MATH 1670
MATH 1680
2 General business electives BUSN 1010
BUSN 2110

*The number of semesters will depend on the four-year institution. Contact the four-year institution.

Contact the Advising Center in all cases if you plan to transfer to a four-year institution.