
Mapping of Program

Mapping of Major Program Outcomes and Elective Psychology Courses

Goal/Outcome* Personal Adjustment PSYC-1030 Psychology in the Workplace PSYC-1050 Human Relations PSYC-1970 Theory of Personality PSYC-2100 Adolescent Psychology PSYC-2090 Educational Psychology PSYC-2070 Behavior Modification PSYC-2050
 1. Knowledge Base  P P  P P  P P  P
 2. Research methods  S S  S  M M M  M
 3. Critical Thinking S  P  P  P P  P  P
 4. Application in Psychology P  S S S S  P P
 5. Values in Psychology S  S  S  S  S  S  S
 6. Information and Technology Literacy  M  M  M  M  M  M  S
 7. Communication Skills  S  S S  S S  S  P
 8. Socio-cultural and International Awareness  S  S S  S  S S  M
9. Personal Development P S S P S S S
10. Career Planning and Development S M M M M M M

Mapping of Major program outcomes and Required Courses in Psychology Concentration

Goal/Outcome* General Psychology Social Psychology Developmental Psychology Abnormal Psychology Research Methods
1. Knowledge Base P P P P P
2. Research Methods S S S S P
3. Critical Thinking P P P P P
4. Application in Psychology S S S S P
5. Values in Psychology S S S S S
6. Information and Technological Literacy M M M M S
7. Communication Skills S S S S P
8. Sociocultural and International Awareness S S S S S
9. Personal Development S S S S S
10. Career Planning and Development M M M M M


P = Primary importance. Outcome is relevant in all or most topics considered (Lectures and/or Discussions/Readings)

S = Secondary importance. Outcome is prominent in one or two topics (Chapters) considered in course.

M = Minimal coverage. Outcome is considered as a subtopic within a chapter or topic considered. * Goal only. See Goal / Outcomes attachment for outcome statements.