
Step 2: Identify Your Prior Learning

PriorLearningDiagramWhat is YOUR prior learning?


Identify your prior learning/experience as it applies to the credits you need. Keep in mind that these are college-level courses, so any prior learning should be just as in-depth. Think about where you gained this knowledge, the scope, and the means by which you learned. 

Review the list of potential areas below to help you brainstorm your prior learning. You may even uncover an area you hadn't previously considered. 


Work Experience

Corporate or Professionally Sponsored Training

Military Training and Experience

Volunteer Experience

Language Skills (English, French, Spanish)

Recreational Past Times/Hobbies (music, art, etc.)

Open-source learning from the web and other independent study




To learn more about how you might provide evidence of your prior learning, follow this link: Step 3: Evidence of Prior Learning.