
CCRI Safety Day

March 5, 2018

The CCRI Health and Safety Committee is partnering with Student Government at all four campuses this spring to host the first-ever CCRI Safety Days, featuring demonstrations and information tables about personal and campus safety.

The first event will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, March 29, in the Great Hall. The event was rescheduled from an earlier date because of inclement weather. Demonstrations will include:

  • 10:10 a.m. and noon: Fire Science EMT students and Assistant Professor Marisa Laurent will demonstrate CPR and use of automated external defibrillators (AEDs).

  • 10:45 a.m. and 12:20 p.m.: CCRI Campus Police will demonstrate Rape Aggression Defense (RAD)  

  • 11:15 a.m. and 12:40 p.m.: The Emergency Management/Homeland Security student Kelia Bravo and Assistant Professor Joe Arsenault will present “Until Help Arrives,” designed to teach basic skills to keep people with life-threatening injuries alive until professionals arrive.
  • 11:45 a.m.: Knight Student Government member Shelby Manders will present on the “Run, Hide, Fight” response to an active shooter situation.

Several internal and external organizations will host information tables. You can meet and greet members of the Campus Police and Facilities leadership and talk to them about your ideas for creating a safer campus; discuss issues of sexual assault and harassment with the director of Institutional Equity and Title IX; find out about what services the college’s Advising and Counseling office provides; learn more about “Run, Hide, Fight” at the Knight Student Government table; show your interest in signing up for an emergency response team at the CCRI Emergency Management/Homeland Security Club table; and learn about the role and purpose of the CCRI Health and Safety Committee.

External organizations participating include Warwick Police and Fire/EMS; Day One, which provides sexual assault counseling; St. Mary’s, which serves families that have been affected by sexual abuse, sexual exploitation and human trafficking; NOPE-RI, the Naloxone and Overdose Prevention Education Program of Rhode Island, which educates Rhode Islanders about addiction, overdose prevention and the use of the naloxone (Narcan); and RIPTA, which will present information about bus safety when traveling to and from campus.

Similar CCRI Safety Days will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on April 3 at the Newport County Campus, April 17 at the Flanagan Campus in Lincoln; and April 24 at the Liston Campus in Providence.

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