
Extraordinary Women at CCRI


We are fortunate to work alongside inspiring women every day at CCRI – role models who inspire others to be more, do more, inspire change, roll up their sleeves and fight for change, and fearlessly step outside of their comfort zone to pave the road for others to follow. To honor these extraordinary women, please nominate a woman at CCRI that embodies those qualities and who serves as an inspiration. We want to know who inspires you!

Below are the Extraordinary Women at CCRI who've been nominated by their peers as leaders and inspiring figures within our community. 


WHMtaiwo Taiwo Adefiyiju: Dean of Students

"She works tirelessly often late in the night and early hours of the day dedicated to the students of CCRI. She works with all employees of the college for fair and equitable treatment of students. She is an advocate for strong processes and quality services. She inspires me with each conversation to bring the community back into the Community College of Rhode Island."
Michelle Dargon, Associate Director for Labor and Employee Relations

WHMwebbLauren Webb: Director Academic Program Review & Accreditation

"Lauren is an excellent example of the values and tenacity of CCRI. Lauren was the leader for our 10-year accreditiation and handled the stress and pressure with grace. She truly goes above and beyond in her role every day and inspires me to continue to work hard in my role."
Adriana Wilding, Assessment Coordinator, Academic Affairs

WHMgalleshawJulie Galleshaw: Dental Hygiene Professor

"She has consistently demonstrated her total commitment to her students and their success no matter the circumstance. Always in her natural kind demeanor, she shares her own expertise with the students so they will gain the skills needed to become Dental Hygienist. Julie is always driven by what is going to help the students become the best they can be while always abiding by the true example herself of what a teacher should be. Julie also demonstrates her commitment to both the college and the Dental Health Program by dedicating her own time serving on numerous committees, and pursuing any opportunities available that benefit our students and the program."
Susan Hook, Information Service Technician II, Dental Hygiene Clinic

WHMregoNaglaa Gaafar-Rego: Coordinator of SAP Initiatives

"Naglaa is a woman that goes above and beyond for anyone. She is super welcoming and always reminds others of their greatness and opportunities to grow and learn. She has inspired me with her confidence, dedication, and willingness to help students and colleagues alike. She is very educated and ensures that others understand their power through education and learning. She embodies the mission of CCRI and works to identify areas of improvement while dedicating herself to any skills that may assist her in accomplishing her goals."
Tinecka McKenzie, Financial Aid Officer

WHMkortzKaren Kortz: Professor of Geology (Physics and Engineering)

"Karen is a phenomenal teacher, colleague, and is a CCRI asset. However, it is her commitment to the students at CCRI that shine out beyond her profound accomplishments. She tirelessly supports student success in STEM and actively engages with other STEM faculty to improve their teaching, like me. All of the teaching success I have enjoyed can be largely attributed to Karen Kortz. We are lucky to have Karen in our department and at our college."
Roger Hart, Assistant Physics and Engineering Professor

WHMrogersRachel Rogers: Center of Teaching Excellence Director/Psychology Professor

"There are so many things about Rachel that inspire me! Rachel stepped out of her comfort zone to run CTE. She has developed that position to one that not only inspires change, but she is a key leader in making that change happen. She is innovative and resourceful. Rachel makes things happen. She makes time for herself. She is successful and accomplished yet still works to continuously improve. She is reliable. She is passionate and fights to bring equity-mindedness to everything she does. In short, Rachel is amazing and an inspiration and role model to everyone works with her."
Karen Kortz, Professor of Geology

WHMyankuGail Yanku: English Department Office Manager

"Gail's commitment to CCRI, our students, faculty, and staff truly inspires me! When I started at CCRI as a part-time faculty member, Gail was starting her position as an info tech for the English Department and we very quickly began supporting one another as we learned the (sometimes rather complicated) CCRI ropes!
"Over my 21 years at CCRI, I have observed Gail helping students, faculty, and staff in countless ways. Whether she's assisting an English faculty member with a scheduling issue, helping a part-time faculty member navigate the many intricacies of CCRI technology, or walking a lost student to class, Gail never fails to do it all with a smile and a few words of encouragement. During my time as English Department chair, Gail made sure I never missed a meeting or a deadline, even if that meant working well past quitting time.
"In the most difficult of circumstances, I always had Gail to help me set things to right and I honestly can't imagine what it would have been like to serve as chair without her by my side. We will all miss Gail as she retires this spring, but we wish her many happy, healthy, peaceful years enjoying a well-deserved rest from her many years of service. We love you, Gail!
Dina Levitre, Associate English Professor
"Gail is one of the reasons I love coming into work. She is so kind, helpful, and is so encouraging. Not only is she great to work with, she is also great to be around with. Even when things get rough, she always has a smile on her face. Thank you for everything Gail."
Luis Paz, Higher Education Admin Assistant III, Communication and Media
"Gail is extremely professional, efficient, and organized but always remains warm and kind.  How impressive is that? She responds quickly to my many requests and it is great to know there is support for my many questions."
Julia Conway, Professor, English

WHMgomezYohanna Gomez: RI Education Opportunity Center (EOC) Coordinator/Counselor

"Yohanna is the epitome of someone who regularly goes above and beyond for her students. She is a shining example of compassion, empathy and kindness.  I have seen first hand the connections she makes with each student, making them feel comfortable and welcomed in our department. There are no unanswered questions for Yohanna, just opportunities to learn something new to assist the student.  During Covid, students contacted Yohanna everyday, regardless of "office hours" and she would get back to them as soon as possible. She is always available to her colleagues for questions and guidance.  Her warm smile and ready laugh make her an indispensable member of the team."
Gail Mance-Rios, RI Educational Opportunity Center Assistant Director

WHMalbroJo-Ann Albro: Office Manager, BSTM Division (Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics and Engineering)

"Ms. Albro has an incredible work ethic and is a role model for everyone.  Faculty and administrators tend to be in the limelight and the worker bees, who make this college run smoothly, are not always seen.  Ms Albro has proven time and time again to be a crucial member of CCRI.
"I cannot think of anyone who works harder for the good of the college and students.  She is not driven by the clock, she puts in considerable time after normal working hours.  She truly cares about our students. She goes above and beyond to contact students and assist them making the correct choices on math courses.  She works closely with faculty to achieve this goal. Her organizational and leadership skills are exceptional and she uses these to make the Math Department and all the other departments for which she is the office manager, run smoothly.  Her winning personality motivates people to go the extra mile as she does.  She is an indispensable asset to the department and college.
"It may seem minor but she has voluntarily become the resident expert on full-time and adjunct contracts.  This knowledge prevents small problems from becoming major problems and grievances.  It also ensures all faculty are treated fairly.
She does not do all this extra work for recognition, she does it because she feels it's the right thing to do.  She takes considerable pride in her (flawless) work.  She is not just a role model for women but for all people. Ms Albro inspires all of us to be the best we can!"
Ken Wilkinson, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
"Jo-Ann goes above and beyond for everyone; administrators, faculty, staff and students alike.  She is a bright spot at CCRI and especially in the Math Department.  She has a heart of gold and is willing to go above and beyond to accomplish what needs to be done. Her work ethic is exemplary.  Jo-Ann inspires me to stay positive, treat everyone fairly, and do the best possible job I can."
Rachel Nichols, Assistant Professor, Mathematics
"Jo-Ann always goes above and beyond for anyone who needs help or answers in her department. She always has a smile on her face (even over the phone)."
Monica Ferris, Advisor/Counselor
"I have witnessed first-hand how much Jo-Ann cares about the students and faculty she serves through the college. She demonstrates compassion and understanding on a regular basis. She is always available to help, to listen or learn; in whatever capacity she can."
Melinda Couture, Professor, Mathematics

WHMwarnerHeidi Warner: Nursing Lab Coordinator

"Heidi Warner is patient with everyone.  She is always going above and beyond to help students to succeed at CCRI.  She is intelligent, intellectual, giving, kind, and an inspiration to me to be more like her. I have learned so much from Heidi being in the Nursing Department over the last several years than I had in my 15 years at CCRI. Heidi is an integral part of our team and her dedication and commitment to her work have been nothing short of exceptional!
Jodi Peters, Nursing Technical Staff Assistant

WHMgiordanoLiz Giordano: Director of Career Services and Experiential Education

"Liz is one of the hardest working individuals at the college. She is a student-centered educator who has spearheaded the work-based learning initiative, collaborating across departments and divisions, listening to the many voices involved, and making sure all concerns are fairly addressed. She does all this while leading Career Services in the department's many other duties, including bringing successful job fairs to campus. She is committed to equity, and to providing meaningful career opportunities to our students and alumni."
Beth Anish, Dean of Learning Commons

WHMjamesEileen James: Associate English Professor

"Eileen is the sort of scholar whom I have always found inspiring, but when I was young, and in my technical field, those intellectual points of light were almost always men. Eileen is brilliant, loves her field, loves her students, and is steeped in knowledge.  Most importantly, she comports herself with grace and humility.  She is open to tackling challenging questions and she can express ideas that others might find challenging with clarity, honesty, and empathy. Eileen is an inspiration to me and I'm grateful that she's my colleague."
Maggie Burke, Computer Studies Professor
"Eileen is a gift to her students and to those of us fortunate enough to work with her.  It is obvious how much she enjoys sharing her knowledge with her students and how much she enjoys learning from them too."
Kate Costantino, Facilitator, Adult Education

WHMmorrisseyKelly Morrissey: Dean of Student Financial Assistance & Scholarships

"Kelly is the busiest person I have ever known, someone dedicated to her work and to those she works with. She is always prepared to assist staff and students at any time of day, willing to answer any number of questions about complex regulations and policies. It is because of her dedication that our students receive the assistance they do through the many programs she has implemented. Her guidance and strong leadership demonstrate qualities of a true role model for everyone who seeks to facilitate a student's success."
Quinn Tucker, Financial Aid Officer



WHMsneesby2Sandra Luzzi-Sneesby: Professor and Department Chair of Communication and Film/Media

"If the solution doesn't exist, Sandra will build it.  She is a passionate organizer, a doer, a person who makes connections and builds support from the ground up for the projects she knows are right for our students and our community.  With others, she led our union to a successful contract, she formed the faculty senate, and she formed a new department at the college.  And Sandra doesn't just build things – she sees them through.  She holds her vision through the complications and the setbacks and she creates success."
Maggie Burke, Computer Studies Professor
"I’ve been writing and erasing this nomination for about an hour now trying to find the right words to describe Sandra and her inspiration to not only me but all of those around her.
"Sandra is spirited. She has an infectious positive energy that can make you feel excited about the world and the opportunities in your reach, even giving a gentle nudge to push you in the right direction (like getting my Master’s – thank you!)
"Sandra is a visionary. She not only can construct the big picture, but she knows exactly how to achieve it. There are many initiatives here at CCRI whose existence is thanks to Sandra’s determination, grit, and drive.
"Sandra is passionate. She puts 110% of her energy into whatever she is working on, striving for the best every time. Whether it’s working long hours, the weekends, or her free time, Sandra will always give you her all.
"Sandra is kind-hearted. She has an empathetic ear paired with wise advice. She’ll give you encouragement, guidance, connections, share experiences… anything to help.
"There is so much more to Sandra but just know this, if you need the recipe for Italian stuffed artichokes, go to her.
"And Sandra if you’re reading this, thank you."
Stephanie Cabral, Senior Digital Content Strategist/Adjunct, Communication and Media Department
"Sandy takes on difficult challenges and will never back down because she is determined to succeed and overcome them. She is also very kind and loving and looks out for those around her. Her ability to see the potential in others is great because she works towards helping them grow in many areas. Sandy's work ethic is inspiring and she sets an example of a strong leader and passionate faculty member."
Luis Paz, Higher Education Admin Assistant III, Communication and Media
"She started at CCRI and worked her way up to Deptartment Chair and is always innovating ways to improve CCRI and volunteers to work on various school projects. Sandy is extraordinary!"
Arthur Sepe, Student Development Counselor

WHMwellsShanna Wells: Program Director, Benefits Hub

"Shanna is a great advocate for the CCRI student community but, because she works alone and behind the scenes, you might not know about everything she does . As the Director of Benefits Hub, she is very passionate about her work  and is tireless in her effort to obtain resources for students in need.
"The CCRI Community should take advantage of the intelligence, compassion, knowledge, skills  and experience that she brings to our organization. Shanna is a valuable worker for the Community College of Rhode Island and an amazing role model for myself and all the women of the CCRI community."
Candelaria Danicher, Coordinator/Counselor, Educational Opportunity Center 

WHMmartinLeigh Martin: Professor of English

"Prof. Leigh Martin has spent a large part of her personal life and professional career at CCRI. We have all benefited from knowing her.
"As a graduate, Writing Center tutor, director of the Charles Sullivan Fund, Flanagan Campus coordinator, expert at meeting protocols, and a dedicated professor, she is a tireless supporter of colleagues, staff, and students. She is a problem solver, innovator, and genuinely nice person who enriches every environment she is in."
Gina Santoro, Chair, English Department

WHMroldyneRoldyne Pierre Louis: Senior Payroll Manager

"I would like to nominate Roldyne Pierre Louis for her exceptional contributions as Senior Payroll Manager at CCRI. Roldyne came to the college and assumed the leadership role of the payroll office during the Pandemic. Roldyne’s resilience, adaptability, and unwavering commitment to her role have been truly remarkable.
"In the face of significant changes brought about by the pandemic and the evolving operational functions in a complex role, Roldyne has not only managed to ensure the smooth functioning of payroll operations but has also gone above and beyond to support her team and colleagues.
"Her resilience, focus, and commitment to growth and improvement, as well as to her day-to-day work at the college really make Roldyne an extraordinarily inspiring woman."
Peter Bardsley, Assistant Director of Continuous Improvement 

WHMsnoweDr. Alyson Snowe: Associate Professor of English

"Dr. Snowe's presence throughout my academic journey has been transformative. She challenges me to think critically and carefully, which has fundamentally changed how I approach the world. Her engaging lectures and open office hours are not only informative, but fosters a love of learning that transcends the classroom.
"Her unwavering support and belief in my potential pushed me to achieve more than I thought possible. I am incredibly grateful to have such a remarkable mentor and role model.
Kat Taylor, Student



WHMsnoweMaya Geraldo: Manager of Academic and Faculty Initiatives

"Maya inspires me because she is guided by her values in all the work that she does at the college. Maya is results-oriented and finds solutions that help the college improve our effectiveness.
"This was on display during her work in the planning for the NECHE visit, particularly around navigating all of the financial aspects of the visit. Maya collaborates well with faculty and staff in her work within Academic Affairs and her work that spans the college, such as representing the division in the Staff Assembly or advancing the college's equity goals through the DEI Council.  
"Finally, I admire that Maya balances work at CCRI and life while continuing her educational growth – she found time during the pandemic to earn a leadership certificate and is currently enrolled in a master's degree program! Maya is an exceptional colleague." 
Lauren Webb, Director of Academic Program Review and Accreditation
Maya Geraldo is an extraordinary woman and an inspiration within our college community. Her unwavering dedication to our college mission is evident through her exemplary work ethics and commitment. Maya’s contributions to our Staff Assembly as a member of the inaugural cohort have been nothing short of invaluable.What truly sets Maya apart is not only her impressive professional acumen but also her remarkable character. Her wisdom and welcoming demeanor create an inclusive and supportive environment for all. Despite her busy schedule, Maya is consistently willing to “say yes” to opportunities that serve our CCRI community, showcasing her selflessness and dedication to the greater good. Maya serves as a shining example for us all, inspiring others to emulate her tireless work ethic, unwavering commitment, and profound sense of service. Thank you, Maya!"
Naglaa Gaafar Rego, Coordinator of SAP Initiatives


Laura Ryan: Library Professor/Librarian

"As a season librarian with immense expertise and passion for the Providence students, staff and faculty, Laura exemplifies the mission of CCRI every day.  She assists students beyond the normal reference interview to assure that they have the necessary resources to complete their assignments and that they understand how to use the library databases to do so.
"Laura has often gone over and above when necessary to provide students with directions to find housing, meals, clothing, etc. as she directed them to the college’s support services and other community resources.   Often using her own time to do so as she skipped lunch due to her concern.  No, librarians are not social workers, but have the knowledge to provide information.  I worked at the Liston library and watched Laura do so with ease.
"One other reason I believe Laura is an extraordinary woman at CCRI is her skillset and time management skills to ensure that the library shine through the small space and staffing shortage at the Liston campus library.    
Due to her pioneering voice, kind spirit and willingness to persevere, I am delighted to share that Laura has inspired me because I am positive that she “fearlessly steps outside of her comfort zone.”
Ida D. McGhee, Adjunct Librarian

Dina Levitre: Associate Professor of English and Pathway Navigator

"Dina is a consummate professional, a caring educator, and a good friend to so many of us at CCRI. She has served as Department Chair of English, Interim Assistant Dean of AHSS, a leader in our Faculty Senate, and Pathway Navigator for the Arts & Humanities and Communication, Film, and Media pathways. Her number one professional priority, always, is serving our students. She keeps them at the center of everything she does, which is why she does so much for the college!"
Beth Anish, Dean of Learning Commons

Nancy E. Stone, PhD, RNP: Nursing Professor

"I have had the distinct pleasure of knowing Dr. Stone for many years, first starting since my days as a nursing student at CCRI in the Evening/Weekend program.  Nancy has been an educator at CCRI for over 25 years and the majority of that time teaching in the Evening/Weekend program, which is where we first met.  Nancy is devoted to academia and educating countless nursing students.   She has not only been a mentor to me, motivating, and pushing me to exceed expectations, but has provided never ending support, wisdom, guidance and encouragement throughout my nursing career.  Nancy continues to inspire me with her many accomplishments which include obtaining her certification as a Critical Care Nurse Specialist, receiving a Post Masters Certificate as an Adult/Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, followed by a Ph.D in Nursing, as well as conducting research and publishing many articles on a variety of topics including chronic CHF, cardiac defibrillators, pacemakers and pulmonary hypertension, in addition to being a speaker at various NP conferences on the national level.
"As an NP she has been instrumental in the development of the advanced nurse practitioner role in the acute care setting in Rhode Island.  Nancy was one of the first acute care NPs, paving the way for her NP colleagues.  We have since continued to work together in many capacities in the RN and Nurse Practitioner role.  She demonstrates outstanding qualities of leadership and possesses superb clinical skills in caring for her patients.  Not only is she an exceptional clinician caring for patients, what makes her unique is that she truly cares about them.  More recently working together as educators and colleagues at CCRI.
"Nancy is truly a remarkable person, not only as a dedicated clinician, educator, researcher, publisher, and healthcare provider but as a human being and friend.  She continues to pursue excellence in the nursing arena making contributions that will only enhance our honorable profession of nursing.   Dr. Stone possesses a never ending desire for knowledge and has been an extremely important influence in my nursing career.  Nancy consistently acts as a mentor, not only for myself but to all nurses in general.  She has truly been inspiring and has made an overwhelming impact on my life.  I have been so fortunate to work alongside this extraordinary woman. Dr. Nancy Stone is truly a JEWEL in the crown of our nursing profession."
Karin O'Rourke, Associate Nursing Professor

Krista Wilhelmsen: Assistant Performing Arts Professor

"She is one of the most hardest working professors I know. She is also very compassionate and genuinely cares about each and every student in her classes. I would not be where I am today without her!"
Makayla Dean, Student
"She does so much for the music department she is very kind and generous and cares about her students very much ask any of her students and they will tell you how amazing she is."
Amaiya Winter, Student

Maggie Burke: Computer Studies Professor

"I believe Professor Burke deserves to be nominated because of the immense work she puts towards her craft of teaching fundamental programming principles. You can tell she truly cares about her students' and their drive to learn more about variables, a program's structure, repetition, functions, and data structures. She produces YouTube videos on her channel called "DesignCodeDebugRepeat", where she uploads videos on a consistent basis for students across all her classes. In these videos, she is clear, concise, and preemptively prepares students for common programming mistakes before they are made. She has a slow speaking pace and explains concepts and problems thoroughly. This is the first time I have ever had a teacher make a YouTube channel with so much content to learn from. I can see myself learning from these videos for years to come, especially since there are new videos every week! 
"Not only does she have a YouTube channel in which she uploads regularly, but she also has written two textbooks for two of her classes. She understands her students, and how tricky it can be to afford textbooks, so she provides her textbook free-of-charge for students on BlackBoard. Her introduction to programming textbook is well-written with many practical examples, illustrations, and conceptual applications in which I can see myself applying in more challenging-to-learn programing languages. I think it is very humble of Professor Burke to distribute PDF copies of chapters from her textbook. Professors who have written textbooks can require students to purchase that textbook so they can receive royalties. However, Professor Burke did not require us to do this at all, instead caring more about equal access and opportunity. Furthermore her textbooks are written to encourage her students to successfully solve problems by defining the problem, identifying a solution, selecting a solution, implementing the solution, then evaluating the result. She consistently spirals back to this problem-solving method in her textbooks, videos, and lectures, and makes it a point to encourage her students think in the same way when faced with a problem or a puzzle. The name of her YouTube channel "DesignCodeDebugRepeat", harkens back to this five-step methodology for problem-solving as well. 
"She teaches an elective beginning game programming class, which expands upon the programming language, Python, that I am learning with her this semester. I am very likely going to take this class with her, even though it is not a requirement for me. Professor Burke also teaches both the beginning and advanced "Java" programming classes. I very much look forward to taking these three classes with Professor Burke because she makes learning programming methodical, engaging, and extremely clear. Even though "Java" is a significantly more challenging programming language to learn than "Python", the CCRI Computer Science Department made the right decision in having Professor Burke teach the beginning and advanced sections of Java Programming."
Tyler Vanable, Student

Brenda Pacheco: Program Coordinator, Student Engagement
"Each and everyday Brenda goes above and beyond to service our students. As an Alumni of CCRI Brenda knows what students need to be successful.  
"She brings her experience at CCRI to the students so that they know that she walk the walk. Brenda worked with the CCRI food pantry during the pandemic and realized the need of our students.  She brings in food for students in need every week, in fact she has snacks, water, coffee and many other items when a student walks in her office hungry.
"Brenda walks students and visitors to the office or service they need and makes certain that there questions get answered. Brenda is often asked to translate to our students and visitors and most times she stays after her switch to make certain the students get answers and feel comfortable. I am blessed to have been able to work with Brenda and my hat goes off to her."
Christine Jenkins, Associate Dean of Student Engagement
Cathy Tessier: Director of Records, Enrollment Services
"Cathy is one of the hardest working individuals I know. With her years of service and experience in various roles at the College, she is exceedingly knowledgeable in many areas of the college. Her unwavering dedication to the students, faculty, staff, and the College are commendable.
"As a CCRI alum, she knows firsthand what it’s like to be a CCRI student, and she strives every day to make the student experience positive and rewarding along with a focus on student success. She is truly a role model, mentor, and exceptional leader. I am grateful for all the knowledge, leadership, and mentorship she has provided and continues to provide on a daily basis."
Cindy Arce, Sr. Records Officer 
Cathy Tessier is the epitome of a successful Community College of Rhode Island graduate.  She has worked at CCRI for over 35 years, earned both her A.S. in Secretarial Science and A.S.B. in Management from the College.  Additionally, she transferred to Rhode Island College to earn her bachelor’s degree and completed her master’s at the University of Rhode Island. She has committed her professional life to CCRI and has risen the role of Director of Records. In this position, she works across all divisions to support students, faculty, and staff. She leads technological changes within the departments and spearheads initiatives to support the mission of CCRI. She brings unique insight, expertise and compassion to her interactions with all that work with her. She inspires her team with dedication, creativity and an openness to brainstorm new pathways for success. We are truly lucky that this CCRI graduate has opted to share her talents and stay committed to the success of the College!
Jude Tomasino, Associate Director of Records
Lis Braun: Assistant Registrar/Scheduling, Records Department
"Lis is like a gardener that can turn a weed into a beautiful flower, at the same time defending it against the elements. In a storm, Lis is an anchor, a dependable, steady hand that keeps our schedule afloat, despite all the imperfections she is given, in light of all the weather that an academic year can bring.
"A complex puzzle of courses, degrees, and rooms is tamed by dedication, intelligence, patience, and grace. You know Lis because she makes our courses and programs come alive for us: students, faculty, and staff. Lis is just as beautiful a person as her work displays along with a keen sense of humor. Kind, helpful, and always supportive, Lis is one of the most genuine women at CCRI and embodies what makes our College exceptional."
Sandra Luzzi Sneesby, Chair, Communication and Film/Media
Lori Davenport: Assistant Bursar
"Lori is a very hard worker and always puts the extra time and effort to get the job done and always goes above and beyond. She is a positive person and stays calm even in the rough times. Lori is fair and helpful to all including co workers, staff and students."
Karen Scallon, Bursar's Office
Christine Jenkins: Associate Dean of Student Engagement
"I have worked with Dean Jenkins over 17 years now and I am inspired by her dedication to all the students, staff, and student group advisors.
"She makes it an effort to come in super early and spends countless hours making sure students have what they need before leaving her office. Her empathy speaks volumes. She has advocated for her staff while serving in a supervisory roll. When it comes to 'Women's History Month,' she is the true definition of what a woman who has history with CCRI truly looks like."
Brenda Pacheco, Program Coordinator, Student Engagement