ITAC Student Intern Training
ITAC Student Learning Modules
As an RI-ITAC student intern, you will need to familiarize yourself with the operations of and ITAC, the process of an industrial assessment, and the general energy saving opportunities that may exist within a manufacturing facility.
This will not be graded on accuracy but it is expectd to be completed by each intern. You can feel free to work in groups if desired.
Over view of materials being used:
ITAC Operations Manual - This document produced by the WVU ITAC discusses the operational characteristics of an ITAC, the process of a typical energy assessment, and assessments for specific industry sectors.
Essentials of Industrial Assessments (EIA) - This document acts as a training document for those preparing to perform industrials assessments.
ITAC Database - This database contains the assessments performed by all ITACs in the program history. The database is serchable by Assessment, Industry type: SIC and NCAIS, and by Assessment Recommendation (AR) type.
The ARC: Assessment Recommentation Code System - This document provides the code use to indicate the type of Assessment Recommendation (AR) being made in an ITAC Assessment Report. Updates to the ARC can be found here: 2019 ARC Updates; 2021 ARC Updates
Better Plants Webinars - These webinars are designed for plant owner/energy personel to learn about energy efficiency opportunties and practices.
Learning Modules
Module 1 – ITAC Essentials/Operations & Basics of Energy/Electricity Usage
- Overview of ITAC operations and energy assessments:
- Basics of Energy, Electricity Use, and Utility Billing
- Review: Basics of Energy slide deck and/or webinar
- Review: Utility Bills slide deck
- Read: EIA Chapter 4 - Electricity
- Complete Module 1 Review
Module 2 – Heat & the Transmission of Energy
- Heat and Thermal Applications
- Complete Module 2 Review
Module 3 – Prime Movers of Energy, Pumps, Fans, and Compressed Air Systems
- Read: Essentials of Industrial Assessments (EIA) Chapter 6
- Watch Better Plants Webinar on Pumps and Fans
- Watch Better Plants Webinar on Compressed Air Systems
- Complete Module 3 Review
Module 4 – HVAC and Building Envelops
- Read: Essentials of Industrial Assessments (EIA) Chapter 8
- Watch Better Plants Webinar on Lighting, HVAC, and Building Envelopes
- Complete Module 4 Review
Module 5 – Motors, VFDs, and Motor Belt Efficiency
- Review the following PowerPoint Slides:
- Complete Module 5 Review
Additional Resources and Links
DOE Better Plants Individual Trainings
- Basics of Energy
- Compressed Air
- HVAC, Lighting, and Building Envelope
- Pumps and Fans
Instructor Led Group Trainings
- Industrial Heating
- Industrial Cooling
- Motors and VFDs
- Alternative Energy
- Cogeneration (CHP
Special Topic Training
- Decarbonization and Electrification
- Utility Bills
- Wastewater Treatment
- Smart Manufacturing and Prognostic Health Management