
Chemistry of Our Environment

This course is an introductory, entry-level course in chemistry for non-science majors, with emphasis on every day, practical applications. The course covers basic chemistry principles, which are then applied to contemporary issues. Use of mathematics is minimized as much as possible. The laboratory assignments demonstrate topics discussed in class. Note: this course is a prerequisite for CHEM-1060 and is recommended as a Science elective in the Liberal Arts or General Studies program. (Prerequisite: MATH 0600 or higher with a grade of "C" or better or ACCUPLACER testing out of MATH 0600 Lecture: 3 hours, Lab: 3 hours
Course Completes the Following Requirement(s): LABS: Meets Lab Science Requirement and MSCI: Mathematics and Science

Below are the lab experiments for some of the chemistry courses offered. The experiments listed are in no particular order. Your professor may give you lab hand outs that are not included. Always refer to your course syllabus for experiment names and order.