
Spotlight on the Guided Pathway Faculty Navigators

The following is a conversation with Guided Pathways Navigators Beth Anish, Cassandra Brewer, Jana Knibb, and Shannon Korzeniowski regarding their work on the Strategic Plan 2022-25. 

Tell us about what you do at CCRI, and how long you've been with the college.

Beth: I was hired as an Assistant Professor of English for Fall 2010 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2016. I teach college writing and literature courses and my favorite courses to teach are Readings in the Short Story and Multicultural American Literature. This year I am also working as the Pathway Navigator for Arts and Humanities and Communications, Media, and Film.

Cassandra: I started as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics in Fall 2007 and was promoted to full professor in July 2020. My areas of expertise are developmental mathematics along with any business-related math class. I loved teaching the business-related math classes so much that I decided that I would go for a MBA at URI, which I received in 2013. I pride myself on trying to keep my teaching current and learning new ways to engage with my students. This year I am also working as the Pathway Navigator for STEM and Business, Economics, and Data Analytics.

Jana: I am an Assistant Professor of Sociology in the Social Science Department and have been at CCRI since 2015. I researched Guided Pathways as a means to achieving equity and inclusion for students that are members of marginalized populations. I think that the inclusion of equity as a central goal in Guided Pathways can provide more welcoming and supportive experiences for students that identify as dis/abled BIPOC. This year I am also working as the Pathway Navigator for Education, Government, and Human Services and Environment and Sustainability.

Shannon: I am a full-time nursing faculty member. I have been with the college since 2012. I currently teach the LPN to RN bridge course as well as advanced medical surgical nursing and the nursing capstone course. This year I am also working as the Pathway Navigator for Health and Health Administration.

Can you share an example of how your work helps achieve Goal 1?

All: The work of this inaugural team of Navigators greatly supports Goal 1, especially as it relates to the providing pathways that enhance structure and support. There is collaboration across departments to help prospective students and students in General Studies understand pathways from the start and know the supports to navigate through college to achieve their goals. We are also coordinating with URI and RIC so students know about transfer options after CCRI. The Path Days have been really helpful to share pathway-specific details with students, including related courses, careers, and transfer options — and it was especially great to hear directly from faculty about the passion and drive that is brought to this work.

How have you collaborated with others across the college to achieve this success?

All:  There is a lot of collaboration that goes into Path Days, from faculty, career services, work-based learning, and URI and RIC. In addition, we are excited about the cross-divisional professional development workshop for faculty and staff happening on May 12, which will focus on advancing equity through guided pathways.

We want to help make the student experience seamless between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs, specifically for incoming students and to create pathway maps for students who come to CCRI undecided.

The Strategic Plan will be updated to guide our work from 2022-25. What is something that you are looking forward to over the next three years?

Shannon: I am looking forward to seeing the hard work of pathways fully implemented with the end result of increasing degree completion and/or transfers to bachelor-degree institutions. I believe the work of the CCRI faculty in guiding the students on their path to success has the ability to change the standard of living/workforce in RI.

Jana: I am excited about the first-year experience class. In our quest for equity and preparing students for college, this first point of contact will be an important component to help students feel a sense of belonging at the college.

Cassandra: I am greatly looking forward to seeing our suggestions and changes come to fruition in the upcoming years. I am also excited to see students being able to clearly navigate their routes from starting at CCRI to completing their degree or certificate program. Our committee is doing important work and I am excited to be a part of all of it.

Beth: I am excited to be a part of the team that creates identities for each of our academic and career pathways. We are planning to get faculty and alumni involved in meet and greets with current students, for example.  I also firmly believe that providing more career and academic program planning from the start will give students a fuller picture of why they are on a certain path and taking the courses they are taking. I am happy to do my part working with Amy Kacerik to create structures that build this experience from the moment students start exploring CCRI.