
Community Engagement Resources

Our vision for strategic planning is for faculty and staff to see their work reflected in the goals and strategies through an open and inclusive process. Over the past year, more than 500 faculty, staff, and students have actively engaged in this work through the faculty and staff survey, committee conversations, community forums, and open events to share feedback related to each goal.

Community feedback directly influenced the plan’s organization and language; this feedback also helped identify the strategic actions we will take to support our students and the college. 
I am deeply grateful for the incredible community engagement through this process. Your input has been critical, and we are thankful for the thoughtful work that has already been accomplished. 

For more information, please review:

  • Language rationale to understand the community feedback that shaped the updated language
  • Presentation on the strategic planning process and panel discussion about the Strategic Plan in Action from April 2021
  • Staff interviews about how their work is aligned with the Strategic Plan, these interviews were featured in CC Daily

Ongoing opportunities to engage in this process will be posted in CC Daily. You can always share ideas on the questions page or over e-mail to Liz Giordano