
Interlibrary Loan Policy & Requests


Nature of Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service: Interlibrary loans supplement resources in the CCRI Library. This operation is governed by local, national, and international codes as well as by consortium agreements. Its smooth operation is dependent on the cooperation and goodwill of the lending libraries, and the observance of these codes and agreements.

Eligible borrowers: ILL service is limited primarily to current CCRI faculty, staff, and students in good standing who are working on CCRI-related research projects, and secondarily to emeritus faculty. Service to emeritus faculty will be provided as time and resources permit and after the needs of the current faculty, staff, and students are met.

Limitations on loans: Loans will be made from libraries in the United States and do not ordinarily include the following types of materials: recently published books, journals (however, photocopies of individual articles are available), reference materials, genealogical materials, bulky or fragile materials, doctoral dissertations when readily available from UMI, materials on reserve, or non-print materials.

Charges: Charges imposed by the lending library are the responsibility of the person requesting the loan. Whenever possible, ILL transactions will be free of charge. Charges will not be incurred without the prior approval of the requester. Payment will be made at the time of receipt of the item.

Lost and unreturned items: The charge for lost or unreturned items will be determined by the lending library. The person borrowing the item will be responsible for any charges, including processing fees, for any items he/she lost or did not return.

Renewals: Renewals of items loaned to CCRI patrons will be at the discretion of the lending library. Renewals of items borrowed from CCRI will be made at the discretion of the ILL librarian and when made will be for a period of 14 days.

Photocopy requests: Photocopy requests will be made in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code.

Restrictions on use: The CCRI Library is bound by any restrictions placed on loans by the lending library. These may include restricting use of material to within the Library, obtaining a signature of the borrower, and/or prohibiting photocopying.

Administration of ILL service: The Reference Departments from each campus will together be responsible for the ILL policies and procedures subject to the approval of the Dean of Learning Resources. The Coordinators of Reference/Collection Development will designate a Reference librarian to supervise ILL activities at their respective campuses. Backups will also be designated at each campus.

Type of requests: All requests must be made through the ILL system. Telephone requests are accepted in emergency cases only and must be followed up by an American Library Association or similar ILL form. Fax machines may be used to request items.

Delivery: Photocopies of materials from books and periodicals will be sent by the OCLC Article Exchange, whenever possible. Otherwise, the primary delivery method in Rhode Island will be the courier contracted by the Office of Library and Information Services (OLIS). U.S. mail will be used for out-of-state deliveries and any library not covered by the OLIS delivery system. Fax machines will not be used to deliver copies.


Materials that are not available at the HELIN libraries may be ordered through Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

You must allow 2-3 weeks for delivery of returnable ILLs (i.e., books).

You must allow 3-5 days for delivery of non-returnable ILLs (i.e., articles).

If you need assistance, please see a Reference Librarian.

Requesting a Book
  • Please search the Library Catalog before requesting a book via ILL. If a HELIN library owns the book, you may be able to receive it within 2-5 business days by placing a hold on it.
  • If the book is not available from HELIN, email [email protected] with the book details (author, title, publication information) and your name and Library Barcode number. An incomplete or inaccurate citation will reduce your chances of getting the book that you want.
Requesting an Article
  • Please search our WorldCat A to Z list and/or Citation Finder before requesting an article via ILL. If the article is available online in a CCRI database, you should be able to retrieve it immediately.
  • If the article is not available online, email [email protected] with the article details (author, article title, journal title, date, volume, issue, pages) and your name and Library Barcode number. An incomplete or inaccurate citation will reduce your chances of getting the article.

For Libraries Wanting to Borrow from CCRI

What may be borrowed?
  • We will lend almost everything from our circulating collections, including CDs, DVDs, and VHS. However, there are some exceptions. Items on Reserve, in our Reference collection, or in Archives, may not be borrowed. Items in our Rhode Island Collection are limited to borrowing libraries within the state of Rhode Island. We reserve the right to deny requests for items in our New Books collection and those that have been in our circulating collections for less than 6 months. In addition, some of our licensing agreements prohibit sharing of articles from online journals. Copy requests for online journals will be reviewed and filled on a case-by-case basis.
  • Items are loaned for a period of 6 weeks. Renewals of an additional 2 weeks are permitted, unless there is a hold for the item or if it has been recalled.
How may requests be submitted?
  • Please submit requests through OCLC (Community College of Rhode Island is CCW). ALA forms may be sent via email to [email protected] or faxed to 401-825-2421. We cannot accept requests from individuals, only from libraries.
Interlibrary Loan Fees
  • The Community College of Rhode Island does not charge for libraries to borrow our materials. However, if items are lost or damaged, a replacement fee of $100 will be billed to the borrowing library.

This page developed and maintained by the CCRI Library. Send comments and suggestions to [email protected].