Library Items
Lending Rules
Most books, including new books, may be borrowed for 28-days; DVDs and other audiovisual
materials may be borrowed for one week.
Patrons have the option to renew items up to twice, as long as no one is waiting. Sign into your My Library Account to renew items online. The total number of items a patron can check out at a time is 25. For RI Resident Card holders the limit of items is 10. All CCRI Library patrons can have a maximum of 10 Blu-rays / DVDs checked out to them.
Reserve items will only be lent to CCRI students, faculty and staff with a library card in good standing. HELIN member library patrons and RI Resident card holders are not permitted to use Library Reserve items.
Physical Collections
Most books are lent for 28 days.
Main Stacks Collection
Our general collection consists of the majority of our books and is organized by the
Library of Congress Classification System.
McNaughton/Popular Reading
Our McNaughton collections are popular and bestseller titles. This collection contains
newer titles and is arranged by alphabetical call numbers based on title. The shelving
location may be listed as McNaughton or Popular Reading.
New Books
Our collection of new books includes a selection of fiction and non-fiction titles that
have been recently published or added to the CCRI Library collection.
Our print reference collection includes dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, atlases
and other reference works. Reference materials are for library use only.
Items that your professor has placed on reserve are kept at the Circulation Desk. You will need your library card to access them. You
can search for Course Reserves by Course Name or Instructor.
Most reserve materials are for library use only.
Teaching and Learning Collaborative (TLC)
Our TLC collection is located at the Knight Campus library near the periodicals. The
collection is comprised of books, teaching and curriculum guides, and other materials
designed to use within the classroom, or for professional development. It is arranged
by Library of Congress classification.
Current Periodicals
Our collection of print periodicals are available at each campus. Title holdings vary
by campus. Periodicals do not circulate but library users can make photocopies for
personal use.
Several newspapers are available to read in the library. Print newspapers do not circulate
but can be photocopied for personal use.
Microfilm is located at the Flanagan (Lincoln) Campus. Please ask a Reference Librarian
for assistance.
Our video collection is comprised of primarily DVDs and Blu-rays. These items are
available for check out for 7 days.
CCRI lends laptops and iPads. Laptops and iPads are lent for various time periods depending on the lending rules of the CCRI library campus. A lending agreement must be completed before a technology item can be checked out by a patron.
Access to full-text journal articles is available using our A-Z Database List. Journal titles can also be searched using the catalog's journal search feature.
Electronic newspaper collections can be found among our databases.
CCRI has many eBook titles that are available to CCRI Students, Faculty and Staff, including titles from
EBSCOhost eBook Collection , Gale Virtual Reference Library and OverDrive. We have
a short video to show how to search for eBooks in the library catalog.
Streaming Video
We have an ever growing collection of streaming video titles available through Kanopy, Infobase’s Films on Demand and other vendors.
Popular magazines are available online for CCRI patrons through Flipster.
Collection Development
Our Collection Development Policy can be viewed online.
Material Recommendations can be submitted using our online form.