

If you are a content manager at CCRI the videos below will help you manage and edit the pages on your website.

Header Image

New Login Process

Content Managers, please be advised that the login process for accessing the content management system for the CCRI website has recently been updated. Effective immediately, to log into the Modern Campus CMS, you will need to navigate to the footer section at the bottom of your CCRI web pages. There, you will find the copyright symbol, which now serves as the access point for the login screen. Simply click on the copyright symbol, and you will be directed to enter your credentials to access the CMS. If you encounter any issues or have questions about this process, please don't hesitate to reach out to the web team for assistance. Thank you for your cooperation as we continue to enhance the CCRI website experience.

New Login Process

Choose your topic?

Before you publish your page!

Always follow these three steps before you publish a page on the CCRI website!

1. Ensure your page has a unique page description so users can find it. Visit our Optimize your site for search engines page to learn how.

2. Make sure your web file is named properly. This includes web pages, pdf's, and images. Visit our Naming Conventions for the Web page to view the guidelines.

3. Always "Run All Checks" to ensure your page is accessible, has no spelling errors, and is free of broken links. Visit our "Web Accessibility for Content Managers" page for more details.

Don't see what you are looking for?

Let us know so we can help you directly!

Submit a ticket here.

Getting Started

How to Change Masthead Image

How to Edit fac/staff Profile Page

How to add Buttons

Working with your Contact Information

Working with your Local Navigation

Creating Responsive Tables

How to create and edit a list

How to delete a page

Creating Image Galleries

How to edit titles

Creating A New Page

Uploading Images

Editing Images

Adding Images to Page

Uploading PDF's

RSS News Feeds
