
Human Services Programs FAQ's

While a student is ultimately responsible for the successful completion of educational requirements leading to the Associate of Arts Degree in Human Services, any deviation from the curriculum as outlined in the CCRI College Catalog must be approved by your Field Placement Advisor and the Department Chairperson. Any special requests to combine concentrations, add specialty courses and the like, must follow the same procedure.

Do I have to attend CCRI full time and complete my requirements in two years?

No - many students pace themselves by taking less than 12-15 credits per semester. In so doing they find that because they are able to devote more time to their course of study they enter their respective Field Placements feeling more prepared and confident to integrate theory with practice. Others complete the program in the traditional two-year time frame choosing to pursue a Bachelors Degree, work in the field or some combination of these which suits their career goals and personal lifestyle.

Why is a two-year associate degree useful? What can I do with it?
Why not just pursue the four-year Bachelors Degree now?

The Associate Degree Program in Human Services at CCRI offers the student several advantages. First and foremost it offers a competency-based experience providing the student with three levels of opportunity for hands-on experiential learning in the Field Placement component of study. Upon graduating the student will have acquired a well-rounded liberal arts experience, approximately 15 credit hours in professional preparatory courses, technical electives and three semesters of student teaching/internship experience. For many students this feature is key. The opportunity to test out and refine one's skills under the clinical supervision of trained professionals and faculty is not available in most traditional four-year programs during the first two years of study. Additionally, upon graduation, many students are offered employment opportunities. For some, a full-time position is timely and welcome. For others, the ability to obtain a part-time position in their chosen field while completing a Bachelor of Arts or a Masters Degree is both personally satisfying and professionally advantageous.

Will the completion of the CCRI Early Childhood Certificate (CHLD) fulfill the requirement for RIDE (RI Department of Education) Teaching Certification?

No, the Early Childhood Certificate will not fulfill the RIDE certification requirement.

Can I take all my course work first, then just take my Field Placements all together - at the end?

The general answer to this question is NO. If you review the catalog you will find a recommended sequence of courses. Additionally, there are prerequisites that must be followed. Successful completion of first-year courses allows you to proceed and enhance your chances to excel in response to the increased level of performance that will be expected of you. Your professors are assessing, evaluating and guiding your readiness as well as your skill development toward Field Placement at every juncture. This includes among other aspects, your overall presentation of self, demeanor, appearance, ability to clearly articulate, levels of maturity, flexibility, self-initiating and cooperative behaviors and overall communication skills verbal and written.

In some cases, there are compelling reasons why an advisor may make a recommendation with the Chairperson's permission to allow a student to combine Levels II and III Field Experiences. Your professor will guide you with respect to these special circumstances.

What is Field Placement?

Field Placements are designed to train students in basic human service skills through a combination of placement experiences in a setting related to their concentration area and a weekly on-campus seminar class.

All students enrolled in the human services department are required to complete a total of three Field Placement Experiences.

Students choose a Field Experience Placement with the assistance of a human services professor who will guide the student in the selection of their placement. Placements are completed in the concentration areas of: social services, child development or education/special needs. The concentration area of social services, child development or education/special needs is determined by the student when they apply to and are accepted into the human services program.

Field experiences, also referred to as Internships, are divided into Field One, Field Two and Field Three.

What is Field Seminar?

Field Seminar is a one to two-hour weekly class that addresses a variety of issues and topics related to Field Placement One, Two and Three. This on-campus weekly Field Seminar class must be attended by all students. A seminar class is held for each of the three Field Placement Experiences.

Who is my Field Placement Advisor?

While you are enrolled in HMNS-1010 Orientation to Human Services, your Orientation professor is your Faculty Advisor and should be able to answer any questions you may have about the program or your sequence of courses. Once you have started your Field Placements, your Field Seminar professor will be your advisor. The following is a list of Field Placement Advisors. Contact information.

Field Course Field Supervisor Campus
HMNS-1200 Human Services Practicum I Inglish Morgan Flanagan, Knight, Liston
HMNS-1210, 2310 & 2410 Field Experience & Seminar I, II, III - Child Development Richard Archambault Flanagan, Liston
HMNS-1210, 2310, & 2410 Field Experience and Seminar I, II, III - Child Development Carol Patnaude Knight, Newport
HMNS-1220, 2320 & 2420 Field Experience and Seminar I, II, III - Education/Special Education Leslie Fanning Knight
HMNS-1220, 2320 & 2420 Field Experience and Seminar I, II, III - Education/Special Education Lynn Jackson Flanagan
HMNS-234O & 2440 Field Experience and Seminar II - Social Work and Gerontology Inglish Morgan Flanagan, Knight, Liston
HMNS-2360 & 2460 Field Experience and Seminar II - Mental Health and Substance Abuse Kelly Ravenscroft Flanagan, Knight, Liston

What are the prerequisites for Field Placements One, Two and Three?

All students must have completed HMNS 1010 Orientation to Human Services and the appropriate technical elective with a grade of C or better as a prerequisite to Field Placement One. Orientation to Human Services must be taken by all human service students regardless of your area of concentration. Technical elective courses are as follows:

Early Childhood Education/Child Development students must take HMNS-2100 Child Growth & Development Skills.
Education/Special Education Students must take either HMNS-2060 Introduction to Education or HMNS-2070 Characteristics and Needs of Special Populations.
Social Services Students must take HMNS-2200 Interviewing Skills.

Upon completion of HMNS-1010 and the required technical elective, students must fill out a Field Placement Request form; register for the appropriate section of field and attend their first seminar class. During this time the professor will assign placements and review all critical guidelines. Some professors may call for a pre-interview prior to the beginning of the semester.

Please refer to the course catalog and consult with a Human Service Faculty Advisor for all other prerequisite information for Fields Two and Three as it relates to your area of concentration.

How do I find a Field Placement?

The professors for the Human Service Department have a variety of placement settings from which to choose. Your Field Placement and Seminar professor will guide you in your Field Placement selection based on your career interests, geographic location, and experience. All students will be given an opportunity for optimal learning in an environment approved by the Department of Human Services.

Can I take Field Placements at the same time?

All human service students must take and successfully complete with a grade of C or better, Field One as a prerequisite for Field Two; therefore students may not take Field One and Two at the same time. Field Two and Three can only be taken at the same time if a student has a 2.5 or better grade point average and is graduating in the same semester. Permission must be granted by the professor prior to registration for concurrent Field Placements.

Can I complete my Field Placements in my place of employment?

Students may complete their Field Placement in their place of employment if permission is granted by the professor.

Can I complete all Field Placements in the same site?

Students are encouraged to complete their Field Placements in a variety of settings. In order for students to complete more than one Field Placement at the same site permission must be granted by the professor.

Can I get Credit for Prior Learning Experience instead of completing a Field Placement?

With the exception of students who receive Credit for Prior Learning for their CDA credential, all students must complete Fields I, II and III to successfully complete their program of study. 

How often do I go to my Field Placement?

Students complete their field work two mornings a week or one full day per week for the full semester. An average of 6-8 hours per week is customary.

Do I have a Field Placement supervisor?

Students will report to a Field Placement supervisor at the placement site. The Field Placement supervisor will monitor the students' work and provide written evaluation of the student. Field students will be observed at their Field Placement by a college professor a minimum of two times per semester. Students' final grades are determined by both the Field Placement supervisor and the course professor.

How do I become a Sign Language Interpreter?

To become a Sign Language Interpreter, one must first complete all four levels of American Sign Language offered at CCRI (under HMNS, pages 219 and 221) or at another institution and then enroll in a program for Interpreter Training. The colleges close by that have these programs are - Western Connecticut Community College, Northern Essex Community College and Northeastern University. If one is considering becoming an interpreter it is suggested one join the National Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. If you live in Rhode Island you can join the local chapter RIRID by emailing the chapter at [email protected]. More information can be acquired at the State of Rhode Island Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 1 Capital Hill, Providence, RI 02908-5850 or by calling (401) 222-1204 Voice, (401) 222-1205 TTY. After completing the training you will be required to take a written test.

Can I receive college credits for my CDA credential?

Students will be awarded credit for HMNS-1210 Field Experience & Seminar I – Child Development and HMNS 2310 Field Experience & Seminar II – Child Development after providing verification of their current CDA Credential and upon successful completion of HMNS-1010 and HMNS-2100 with a grade of C of better. (In the event that the CDA is not current the student must provide a letter of support from their Director).

The student must complete an application to CCRI choosing the Human Services Program with a concentration in Early Childhood Education and Child Development (CHLD). Next steps are available at