Christopher J. Thibeault

- Associate Professor
- : [email protected]
Graduate School
Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Rhode Island
Expected Completion 2023
Specialization in Machine Learning and Restorative Media Techniques and Algorithms
Master's in Computer Science, University of Rhode Island
Bachelor's in Computer Science, University of Rhode Island
Bachelor's in Mathematics, University of Rhode Island
Course Title | Course Number |
Programming Concepts | COMI 1150 |
Programming in C++ | COMI 1215 |
Web Development 1 | COMI 1750 |
Web Development 2 | COMI 1770 |
Data Structures and Algorithms | COMI 2520 |
Windows Operating System | COMI 1450 |
Introduction to Computers | COMI 1100 |
Course objectives for all of these courses may be found by clicking here.
Course Title | Course Number |
Introduction to Spreadsheets | COMI 1420 |
Introduction to Word Processing | COMI 1640 |
Intoduction to HTML | COMI 1751 |
Fundamentals of XML | COMI 1755 |
Introduction to Microsoft Project | COMI 2015 |
Selected Publications
System for Game Enhancement Using Scene Recognition in Emulated Consoles, October 2016, Conference Paper, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics (SMC), Budapest.
Object Detection in Emulated Console Games, April 2015, Conference Paper, Annual International Conferences on Computer Games,
Multimedia, and Allied Technology, Singapore. Best Research Paper Award.
Scene Recognition and Object Detection for Video Game Enhancement, May 2012 (Masters Thesis).
Research Focus
I have always been interested in taking the old and trying to make it new again. I
have extensive experience in restoring old photographs, including general cleanup,
damage removal, colorization, and other photo restoration tasks.
Much of this work involves careful photo manipulation using Adobe Photoshop and other
editing tools. This can be a a long and complicated process, and so I have been researching
computer vision and machine learning algorithms for detecting different types of photo
damage and trying to teach the machines how to correct some of these problems.
My interest in restoration also extends to audio. Restoring old recordings by removing
noise, repairing artifacts, or separating mono audio sources into multi-channel audio
is another area where machine learning can be used to improve results. My most recent
research focuses on data augmentation techniques to help create better datasets for
training computers to separate audio into individual instrument and vocals (commonly
called "demixing").
Presentations and Activities
Professional Affiliations
- Member of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM)
- Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education
- Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques
- Special Interest Group on Accessible Computing
- Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory
- Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Member of the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)
- Member of the Professional Photographers of America (PPA)
Awards & Honors
- Best Research Paper, April 2015, Annual International Conferences on Computer Games,
Multimedia, and Allied Technology
- Pi Mu Epsilon – Mathematics Honor Society
- Camber Cyber Range Training – Certificate of Achievement
Areas of Interest
I'm involved with quite a few different activities and hobbies. My first time through
college, I was a music major (and nearly completed a music degree, but left to pursue
a job as a computer programmer). I still actively play several instruments.
I am also very active in photography. I started when I was young, working with film,
and then with the very earliest digital cameras. For nearly a decade now, I have been
photographing weddings in Rhode Island and southern New England. It combines my interest in photography with my interests in photo-editing and software
deveopment (I've created a lot of custom tools for my own editing).
If you are interested in checking out some of my wedding photography, feel free to
visit my site and check out some of my work at
If you would like to know more about photography and maybe take some photography classes,
check out some of the course offerings in the Art department.
I'm also very involved with genealogy. It involves a lot of research and problem solving.
In that way, it's very similar to computer programming.