Institutional Review Board
Community College of Rhode Island is working collaboratively with URI IRB in research that engages in human subject research as described by the Federal Policy for the Protection of Research Subjects (the “Common Rule“) to allow the CCRI fulltime faculty to submit research proposals to the URI IRB for research consideration.
CCRI holds a Federal-wide Assurance (# FWA00029034) with the Department of Health and Human Services. Under its FWA, CCRI extends the applicable regulations of the Department of Health and Human Services in Title 45 Part 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations to all research involving human subjects as defined by DHHS regulations regardless of sponsorship.
CCRI IRB will meet for the protection of human subjects, and describes the ethical standards and institutional commitments applicable to research proposals to the University of Rhode Island IRB to conduct human subject research.
Please see the information below if you have any questions regarding the Institutional Review Board, its processes, or how to submit an application for a research proposal. Please submit fully completed application to the Dean of Health and Rehabilitative Sciences.
2023 - 2024 Meeting Schedule
Meeting Schedule | Meeting Time | Committee Director |
1st Friday of the Month September - May | TBD | Dean Suzanne Carr |
- Full-Time Faculty from the Community College of Rhode Island will complete a submission application that will be reviewed by the CCRI IRB Committee. An application template will be located on the CCRI IRB webpage. The submission checklist is as follows.
Submission Procedures Checklist:
- Complete the CCRI/ URI IRB Exempted Application Form (If research does not fall into the exempt categories, the researcher needs to submit an initial IRB application as a new study (refer to CCRI IRB committee for directions).
- CITI training certificates for all investigators
If applicable:
Grant application
- IRB reference/template material can be located on the URI IRB website, i.e., consent form, recruitment material. {URI IRB document/templates recommended}.
Questionnaires, surveys
Recruiting letter, email, or flyer
Letter of Agreement to participate in research from a collaborating agency, organization or institution
MA/PhD Proposal and signed copy of MA/PhD Proposal Approval Sheet
Informed Consent
- Submissions due ONE WEEK prior to IRB Committee Meeting.
The application will be reviewed by the CCRI IRB Committee according to the review date calendar. After notification of approval from the committee, the researcher will submit the following information to the URI IRBNet link:
Approved CCRI IRB acceptance letter
CCRI/IRB Exempted Application Form
- Suzanne Carr, Dean of Health and Rehabilitative Sciences, [email protected]
- Karen Kortz, Geology Professor, Co-chair of CCRI Honors Program, [email protected]
- Justine Egan-Kunicki, Associate Professor of Psychology, [email protected]