
AI for Career Research

The Career Services Team is available to help you understand how to ethically and effectively use Generative AI tools for your career success. 

Please note some important considerations to be aware of when using AI:

  • AI can make mistakes, so remember to check for accuracy
  • Never include personal information such as your name, physical and email address, phone numbers or identifying information such as a Social Security number, driver's license, etc. 
  • Responsible AI usage is using it to enhance and refine your original content, do not substitute AI for your own unique and creative voice
  • Realize that AI can produce biased content, so evaluate the content it provides
  • Be aware AI is an emerging technology so stay informed of updates
  • This information pertains only to Career Services-related searches. Please check with your professor and/or syllabus about ethically using AI in an academic course. 

Use AI effectively by learning how to create 'prompts' (these are the questions you ask AI) which are clear, specific, provide context and ask follow-up questions. 

Here are example prompts on how to use AI to learn about career options. 

Explore Career Paths and Interests

  • I have interests in politics and biology [insert your own interests]. What are five career paths that match my interests?
  • I took the TypeFocus 7 career assessment and the results showed an MBTI code of ENJF. Provide a list of related careers and tips on how to get started in this career path. 
  • What careers will let me work with animals?
  • I have interests in helping others, what are some career choices and college majors to explore?

Streamline Your Career Research

  • What is the difference in job responsibilities between an x-ray technician and a radiologist
  • What is the difference in educational preparation between a nutritionist and a registered dietician
  • What does a financial analyst do?

Stay Informed of Labor Market and Industry Trends

  • Provide me with a labor market analysis on job market trends, growth areas and average wages for the state of Rhode Island.

Draft Career Plans for Specific Majors

  • Create a career plan to identify entry level opportunities for the sport management field in southeastern New England. List between 15-20 job titles, and potential employers. Then, create a career plan for one year; include volunteer opportunities and relevant part time opportunities.