
Building Bridges: Connecting Education and Industry to Workforce Development on Aquidneck Island

Join us at CCRI for Building Bridges: Connecting Education and Industry to Workforce Development on Aquidneck Island, on Wednesday, July 17 at CCRI's Newport Campus. This event aims to bring together key industry players and employers from Aquidneck Island to address the current labor market and workforce training needs. 

The goal is to develop a strategic action plan to ensure that CCRI's training programs align with the demands of today's job market. The summit includes a keynote presentation by a renowned labor market expert, followed by a panel discussion with industry leaders. Attendees will also participate in industry-specific breakout sessions to generate practical solutions. 

Together, we aim to build robust talent pipeline programs that prepare students for successful careers while addressing the critical workforce needs of our community. CCRI is dedicated to educating and empowering the next generation of professionals, thus cementing our role in Rhode Island's economic development.

Register today!



Time   Event
8:30 – 9:00 am   Registration
9:00 – 9:10 am  

Opening Remarks

  • Rosemary A. Costigan, Ph.D., RN; CCRI Interim President
  • U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
  • Newport Mayor Xay Khamsyvoravong
9:10 –9:50 am   Labor Market Analysis, Hanover Research
9:50 - 10:00 am   Break
10:00 – 10:05 am   The Honorable Gabe Amo
10:10 – 11:00 am


Panel Discussion

  • Heather R. Singleton, MBA, IOM - Interim CEO, RI Hospitality Association
  • Molly Donohue Magee - Chief Executive Officer, Senedia
  • Erin Donovan-Boyle - President & CEO, Greater Newport Chamber of Commerce
  • Tom Giordano - Executive Director, The Partnership for Rhode Island
  • Joe Caparco - New England Region Apprenticeship Director, LiUNA
  • Bill Schmiedeknecht - Senior Vice Presidenr and Chief Human Resources Officer, Lifespan
  • John O'Connor - General Manager, Safe Harbor New England Boat
  • Ryan Camara,- Vice President & Human Resources Manager, BankNewport
11:00 – 11:10 am  


11:10 am – 12:00 pm  

Facilitated industry-specific roundtables to share workforce training and talent pipeline needs

12:00 pm  

Report back from industry roundtables, closing remarks

12:30 pm  

Takeaway Box Lunches



Heather Singleton
Heather R. Singleton, MBA, IOM

Interim CEO, RI Hospitality Association

Christine Lynch
Molly Donohue Magee

Chief Executive Officer, Senedia

Erin Donovan-Boyle
Erin Donovan-Boyle

President & CEO, Greater Newport Chamber of Commerce

Tom Giordano
Tom Giordano

Executive Director, The Partnership for Rhode Island

Joe Caparco
Joe Caparco

New England Region Apprenticeship Director, LiUNA

Bill Schmiedeknecht
Bill Schmiedeknecht

Senior Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer , Lifespan

Ryan Camara
Ryan Camara

VP/ Human Resources Manager, BankNewport

John O’Connor
John O’Connor

General Manager, Safe Harbor New England Boatworks

Register Today!

Join Us Wednesday, July 17 at the CCRI Newport Campus.

Register Today!