
Textbook Rentals

Rentals are not available for the Summer Sessions.

Textbook Rental Information

You may select to enter into a rental agreement with our bookstore. The rental agreement is only effective for the current semester.


  1. I am at least 18 years of age and a currently Community College of Rhode Island student.
  2. I am entering this Textbook Rental Agreement ("Agreement") with the CCRI Bookstore of my own free will.
  3. I will return the rented materials to CCRI Bookstore on or before the rental return date (last day of finals week). The CCRI Bookstore is not responsible for reminding me of the rental return date and is not responsible for returns shipped to the store via any carrier.
  4. I understand that the book rented to me is the property of the CCRI Bookstore.
  5. I am responsible for the condition of the materials rented and bear the full responsibility for the return of the rented materials in salable condition and for payment of fees and replacement costs if rented materials are lost, stolen or returned in unstable condition. Unsalable conditions include damages incurred to the rented material as determined by CCRI Bookstore staff. Limited highlighting and writing in the rented textbook is permitted.
  6. If I fail to return the rented materials by the rental return date, or fail to return the rented materials in salable condition, I understand that a hold will be placed on my student account until such time as I pay the full new replacement cost (minus the rental fee) of the of the text in question. New replacement cost is the selling price of the materials on the rental return date.
  7. Replacement of rental materials (exact duplicate, correct ISBN, title, author, edition, etc. required) will be accepted in lieu of any damaged rental materials on or before the rental return date.
  8. If I drop a course, textbooks must be returned immediately, even if I will be taking the course in a future semester. I understand my rental fee is refundable only if the book is returned by the date specified (please check with your campus' store for date).