
Professor Emeritus Status for CCRI Retired Faculty

The Community College of Rhode Island shall grant Professor Emeritus status to retired CCRI faculty who meet the qualifications agreed upon by the CCRI Emeritus Review Board and the President’s Council. Emeritus status recognizes a faculty member’s extraordinary service to the college and encourages a continuing relationship to the institution; emeritus status is not automatic upon retirement. Emeritus faculty benefit from selected privileges associated with this honor, and in return understand their ongoing responsibility to support CCRI in appropriate and reasonable ways.

To qualify as Professor Emeritus a retired faculty must:
  1. Have achieved the level of full professor and have performed 15 years of full-time service in the rank of full professor
  2. Demonstrated meritorious contributions to his/her field
  3. Be dedicated to CCRI and to teaching
  4. Be held in high esteem by students and colleagues
  5. Received evaluations recognizing teaching effectiveness throughout his/her tenure
  6. Have actively participated in departmental and institution-wide committees over a substantial period of time

Faculty may be considered for emeritus status at the time of their retirement.
  1. The faculty must submit an application requesting Emeritus status.
  2. The department chair will review application and prepare a written recommendation based on the above minimum qualifications.
  3. The department chair will submit their recommendation to the appropriate Academic Dean.
  4. The Dean will review each recommendation to ensure that the applicant meets the selection criteria above.
  5. The Dean will complete their recommendation and submit applications to the Emeritus Review Board for consideration.
The Review Board is comprised of the following members:
  • Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs, Barbara Nauman (Chairperson)
  • Executive Director Labor & Employee Relations, Sybil Bailey
  • CCRIFA President, Professor Mazin Adam
  • Retired professor, Philip Miller (BSTM)
  • Retired professor, Ralph Kreiser (BSTM)

The Review Board meets annually to evaluate all recommendations. Applications approved by the Emeritus Review Board will be forwarded to the President’s office for further review and final approval by the President’s Council. If the recommendation is approved, a letter will be sent to the faculty member from CCRI’s President.

Emeritus faculty may provide support to CCRI through:
  1. Student mentoring
  2. Fundraising
  3. Consulting
  4. Guest lecturing
  5. Service on community advisory committees
  6. Planning events
  7. General help for administrative staff
  8. Additional volunteer activities as appropriate
  9. Financial support to the CCRI Foundation

Emeritus faculty privileges include:
  1. Use of the title: Professor Emeritus
  2. A stole to enhance academic regalia
  3. Business cards identifying emeritus status
  4. CCRI ID and email addresses
  5. Use of CCRI library services
  6. Use of CCRI athletic facilities
  7. Use of CCRI parking lot
  8. Receipt of news items from CCRI
  9. Participation in commencement ceremonies
  10. Commencement ambassadors
  11. Recognition at Opening Day
  12. Listing of name under Professors Emeriti in CCRI college catalog
  13. Name engraved on plaque in Academic Affairs Administrative Office area on Knight Campus (Warwick)

Questions? Please email [email protected]