

There is a lot of useful research, information, and advice out there for Higher Education Instructors. It can get overwhelming! CTE is here to help. 

Resource Collections

Our resource collection is organized by topic. At each link you will be taken to a list that might include scholarly journals, books, articles, websites, podcasts, videos, and more!

Have something to contribute to a resource collection? Email it to [email protected].

Check back often! Our Resource Collection is constantly growing.

CTE Book Collection

CTE Has a curated collection of books on teaching, learning, assessment, college structure, and other related topics in the CCRI Libraries. The physical books can be found  in the Knight Campus Library right outside the Center, but can be requested and sent to any campus. 

Check out the latest additions to the collection here. Recommend a book at any time by emailing [email protected]

Reflective Teaching

John Dewey is famous for saying, "We do not learn from experience...we learn from reflecting on experience." As instructors, we design activities for our students to help them reflect on what they are learning, how well they understand the content so far, and how they can apply what they know to new scenarios. Reflection is an important part of the learning process.

Reflection is also part of the professional life of an instructor. Reflective teaching is a process of continually reflecting on and analyzing many aspects of your teaching in order to improve it.

Download a digital copy of the CTE Reflective Teaching Log here. 
Instructions: Download the .pdf file to your computer. Open and save with Adobe Acrobat Reader or Preview (on a mac) to type your reflections.

CCRI-Specific Resources

The Tutoring Center programs for Faculty
Online Learning and Technology for Faculty

Academic Impressions

Did you know that all CCRI employees have access to a vast library of resources through Academic Impressions? Click "Sign In" and enter your CCRI email. The website will then allow you to enter your CCRI credentials, and then grant you access. 

Past Recommended Readings

Cover of the book "The Missing Course" by David GooblarSummer 2022 Recommended Reading
"The Missing Course: Everything They Never Taught You About College Teaching" by David Gooblar

For faculty who are experts in their field, but who were never taught how to structure or teach a college course, this is an excellent introduction. If you've been teaching for quite a while and/or have been taught how to teach adults, this is a great refresher with excellent, concrete ideas. 

Available in the CTE Book Collection* as an eBook and 3 print copies.

Book cover of "Teaching Across Cultural Strengths" by Alicia Fedelina Chávez and Susan Diana LongerbeamSummer 2023 Recommended Reading
"Teaching Across Cultural Strengths: A Guide to Balancing Integrated and Individuated Cultural Frameworks in College Teaching" by Alicia Fedelina Chávez and Susan Diana Longerbeam

I believe this book can help CCRI faculty reach all students, particularly as we are now officially a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI). The authors differentiate between the strengths of students from Integrated and Individuated Cultures, and provide guidance and strategies for how we can use methods from both types of cultures in our teaching to challenge and reach everyone!

Available in the CTE Book Collection* as an eBook.

Cover of "The Blended Course Design Workbook"Fall 2023
"The Blended Course Design Workbook" by Kathryn E. Linder

This is a great book to use if you're plannin a hybrid course. Linder provides clear instruction, prompts for planning specific parts of your course, and space for reflection. 

This book is available in the CTE Book Collection* as an eBook and a print copy. If you like a good workbook, this one might be one to purchase for yourself. 

*You can activate or renew your CCRI ID as a library card here.

Spring 2023
"You Get the Learning You Expect" by Regan A. R. Gurung on The Teaching Professor.

This is a great summary of some important concepts that can influence the way you interact with your students. I hope this article inspires some reflection on your teaching!

Fall 2024

Cover image of Teaching with AI"Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning" by José Antonio Bowen and C. Edward Watson is a brand new book that you can check out from the CCRI Library (ebook), or get a free copy of if you are an instructor!

This book presents a basic introduction to how AI was developed, the strengths and weaknesses of different Generative AI platforms, and how faculty can support students as they learn to effectively incorporate AI in preparation for the job market, and how faculty can use AI themselves. 

What do you think?

The Chronicle included an article in Fall 2024 about cheating and AI. Arik Levinson proposes two approaches to reduce the likelihood of cheating that could work in tandem. What do you think about the suggestions?

Spring 2025
Cover of "Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto" by Kevin M Gannon"Radical Hope: A Teaching Manifesto" by Kevin M. Gannon

This slim book is packed with passion for the potential inherent in the act of teaching. I recently had the opportunity to hear Dr. Gannon speak, and he shared that he finished working on this book during the early days of the COVID-19 Pandemic, when we were all figuring out how to adjust our teaching to this new world. The introduction begins with a long list of the complications and problems we encounter in higher education these days, followed by this:

"The question becomes, then, how do we avoid ending up in a place where we don't believe that what we do matters, and where we surrender to cynical detachment?"

The rest of the book is Gannon's attempt to answer that question for himself and his practical suggestions for how faculty can "answer cynicism with purpose, despair with hope."

Available in the CTE Book Collection as an ebook