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Italian Food

"A tavola non s’invecchia"

It’s an old proverb that means "One should sit at the table and enjoy a meal without feeling rushed ~ one never gets old at the table". I ask myself how can such words survive in today society when everything is consumed fast, quick, and instant gratification is the key to everything.

Nowadays, I am very happy about this "rinascita" of authentic Italian food. One can visit Italian Federal Hill, or Boston’s North End, or New York’s Little Italy or even our many diverse "supermercati" and find Italian authentic ingredients: good virgin olive oil, vinegar, pasta, biscotti, cold cuts, fresh Italian cheese, a huge variety of Italian olives, etc. Recently the perfect gift has been an "Italian cooking book". One can learn not only about food but the culture in general.

My brother is in the Italian food business and he tells me that the merchants he deals with are selling more and more Italian products and people are acquiring a more refined taste for the true Italian cuisine. Of course, recent studies have also shown the benefits of eating Italian foods: It’s a healthy balanced diet well discovered and enjoyed by many.

It doesn’t matter if one identifies himself/herself with food from northern or southern Italy. Italian cuisine is very diverse. Differences varies from region to region, from one small town to the next one. Our food connections to our roots: family, holidays, places, is very strong. Enjoy this web page! Savor the taste of various dishes and ... Buon appetito!